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Central Station
The film Central Station (1998) is about second chances, and starting over. Dora, a retired
schoolteacher, writes letters for illiterate strangers in a bus station, Central do Brasil, in Rio. When
one of her clients, a mother, is killed in an accident outside, Dora takes it upon herself to watch
after the little boy, Josué. She decides to take him to see his father, who leaves very far away, by
way of bus, truck and strangers. The journey becomes a quest for their own identities: one boy's
search for his father; and one woman's search for her heart. They have much in common. He has
dreams, she has hope.

1) Agora, responda às questões de acordo com os tópicos I e II:
1. Sobre o que é o filme?

Retire do texto (tópico II) a frase que diz que os personagens têm muita coisa em comum.

Correlacione o vocabulário da 1ª coluna com o sentido na 2ª coluna:

(A) second chances         ( ) a procura de um menino por seu pai
(B) starting over                  ( ) professora aposentada
(C) retired schoolteacher             ( ) cartas
(D) letters                              ( ) segundas chances
(E) one boy’s search for his father       ( ) recomeço


Foto de Cristina R.
Cristina perguntou há 2 anos