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Inglês Ensino Fundamental Todos os níveis Ensino Médio Conversação Básico Gramática Intermediário Avançado Tradução Adolescentes Vestibular Profissional Geral TOEFL


A) The Diet has gained a lot of traction in the last few years as Americans have begun to yearn for the simpler lifestyle once lead by the caveman.

B) The diet involves eating only foods comprising plants. Those who follow this diet avoid all animal products, in some case can eat egg

C) The diet was first developed by a Japanese philosopher called George Ohsawa. He believed in a holistic approach to health incorporating many lifestyle aspects, from diet and exercise to meditation and even the ‘yin and yang’ energy of particular foods.

D) The diet say that cook foods is harmful to human health because it destroys the natural enzymes in foods, reduces their nutrient content and reduces the “life force” that they believe to exist living” foods.

Foto de Antonio M.
Antonio perguntou há 2 anos