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As lacunas I e II no texto anterior podem ser completadas, de forma correta e na mesma sequência, pela OPÇÃO: Trying to predict what will happen as our planet warms up is not easy. We know that ice at the poles is melting and this is making sea levels rise. Warmer temperatures are likely to change other aspects of the weather. Some countries, such as those in North Africa, may become ____________, while other areas, such as Northern Europe, may become _____________. There will probably be more storms, droughts, and flooding. A) more hotter and drier - more colder and wetter. B) as hotter and drier - as colder and wetter. C) hotter and drier - colder and wetter. D) most hotter and dry - most colder and wet. E) the hotter and drier - the colder and wetter.
Foto de Maria M.
Maria perguntou há 3 anos