Sentence or phrase?
Por: Carla M.
21 de Agosto de 2019

Sentence or phrase?

Inglês Conversação Gramática Todos os níveis

Phrase vs Clause in English

There are many different types of phrases and clauses. Let’s find as below:


What is a clause?

A clause is a part of the sentence that contains a verb. A typical clause consists of a subject and a predicate, the latter typically a verb phrase, a verb with any objects and other modifiers. It can stand on its own.


  • He must stop laughing.
  • They have done the job.
  • Tom likes the meat.
  • We like the music that you brought.

A subordinate clause or dependent clause is a clause that provides a sentence element with additional information, but which cannot stand as a sentence. A dependent clause can either modify an adjacent clause or serve as a component of an independent clause. Dependent clauses often begin with such words as although, since, if, when, and because.


  • Although she knew that it was dangerous…
  • Whoever gets the highest score goes first…
  • Whatever the weather…
  • Because the road was clear…
Dependent Independent
Although she knew that it was dangerous, he walked home by herself
Whatever the weather, we’ll go.


What is a phrase?

A phrase is a small group of words that adds meaning to a sentence. A phrase is not a sentence because it is not a complete idea with a subject, verb and a predicate.

In a ‘Noun phrase‘, one or more words work together to give more information about a noun.


  • all my dear children
  • the information age
  • seventeen hungry lions in the rocks

In an Adjective phrase, one or more words work together to give more information about an adjective.


  • so very sweet
  • earnest in her desire
  • very happy with his work

In a Verb phrase, one or more words work together to give more meaning to a verb. In English, the verb phrase is very complex, but a good description of its many forms can be found here.

In an Adverb phrase, one or more words work together to give more information about an adverb.


  • especially softly
  • formerly of the city of Perth
  • much too quickly to see clearly

In a Prepositional phrase, one or more words work together to give information about time, location, or possession, or condition. The preposition always appears at the front of the phrase (preposition = pre-position).


  • after a very long walk
  • behind the old building
  • for all the hungry children
  • in case it should happen again


R$ 55 / h
Carla M.
Porto Alegre / RS
Carla M.
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Inglês para Todos os Níveis Gramática em Inglês Conversação em Inglês
Graduação: Letras (IPA Metodista)
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