Blame song !
Por: Silvana T.
20 de Maio de 2015

Blame song !

Inglês Música

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 Can't be sleepin' Keep on wakin'

Is that the woman next to me?

Guilt is burning Inside I'm hurting This ain't a feeling

I can't keep So blame it on the night Don't blame it on me

Don't blame it on me Blame it on the night

Don't blame it on me Don't blame it on me Blame it on the night

Don't blame it on me Don't blame it on me So blame it on the night

Don't blame it on me Don't blame it on me

Don't blame it on me Can't you see it,

I was manipulated by it Too little to the dawn

I had no choice in this I was a friend she missed

She needed me to talk So blame it on the night

Don't blame it on me Don't blame it on me

Blame it on the night Don't blame it on me

Don't blame it on me.

R$ 65 / h
Silvana T.
São Paulo / SP
Silvana T.
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Inglês na Sala Profes Inglês no Skype (Sala Profes)
Graduação: Professora de Inglês (pela Cambridge University - Londres)
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