A Criança e o Inglês
Foto de Bianca G.
Por: Bianca G.
25 de Julho de 2020

A Criança e o Inglês

O Aprendizado Bilíngue

Inglês Básico Ensino Fundamental
The human ability to learn languages ​​has always generated the interests and expectations of theorists.
Today, these interests are also part of the routine of parents and children who see the possibility of personal and professional growth in the foreign language.
This article aims to investigate what, in the opinion of parents, are the most important factors for their children’s foreign language learning and, from this context, to indicate psycho-pedagogical contributions that enrich this process. Parents of students between the ages of seven and eleven answered some thirty semi-structured questionnaires. The results reveal the existence of learning expectations that benefit and can harm students if they do not develop properly. In the face of possible immediate and meaningless learning, we see that the current process of teaching and learning foreign languages ​​needs to improve. For this reality, we propose a psycho-pedagogical work with the possibility of working with parents, students and mainly with teachers and language schools.
Foto de Sara D. Sara D. há 4 anos

Very interesting article!

Foto de Larissa M. Larissa M. há 4 anos

Ola Bianca! Estou precisando de ajuda para melhorar meu inglês. Se você tiver disponibilidade e interesse em me ajudar, por favor, envie e-mail para larissaomarques1@hotmail.com
Desde já, Obrigada!

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