em 23 de Março de 2022
This, That, These and Those. How do we know which one to use?
We need to consider two things to know which determiner is correct to use. First we need to know if the object(s) are singular or plural. Second we need to know if the object or objects we are talking about are near or distant, so let's consider this simple idea. If you have something in your hand and are showing the object to someone else, it is near. If you need to point to an object (for example from behind a counter) the object is at a distance from you. THIS and THAT are used for Singular Objects. THESE and THOSE are used for Plural objects. THIS and THESE are for objects which are near or in hand. THAT and THOSE are for object which are no in hand or at a distance from the speaker.
For example,
I have a photo of my wife and I am showing it to someone. THIS is my wife.
I have two tickets to a hockey game. THESE are the tickets to the game tonight.
THAT is my bus, I should get going or I may be late.
How much are THOSE jeans?
Here is a simple chart:
Singular / Near | Singlar / Distant
Plural / Near Plural / Distant