Como usar phrasal verbs - verbos que começam com a letra S |
Foto de Erika P.
Por: Erika P.
13 de Dezembro de 2016

Como usar phrasal verbs - verbos que começam com a letra S |

Inglês Conversação Geral

Como usar phrasal verbs - verbos que começam com a letra S | Profa. Érika de Pádua

O verbo é talvez a parte mais importante da frase.


Um verbo ou verbo composto expressa ações, eventos ou estados de ser.


O verbo ou verbo composto é o elemento crítico do predicado de uma sentença.

Exemplos de verbos transitivos seguidos por advérbios:


scale down: reduce

Because of lack of funds, we had to scale down our plans.

sell off: dispose of by selling

We sold off all the books and furniture.

set back: delay

This could set back the project by several years.

shout down: stop from speaking by shouting

The crowd shouted down the speaker.

shrug off: dismiss as unimportant

He attempted to shrug off the mistake.

single out: select from others

You have been singled out for special attention.

size up: assess

I quickly sized up the situation.

sort out: organize

It will take some time to sort out this mess.

sound out: talk with to learn the opinion of

We attempted to sound him out.


stammer out: stammer

They stammered out their apologies.

sum up: summarize

He summed up the discussion in a few well-chosen words.

summon up: gather

I attempted to summon up my courage.


Um abraço da Profa. Érika de Pádua!

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