Weisure Time

em 08 de Abril de 2016
Imagine a bleak world in the not-so-distant future. The planet's oil supply has dwindled to a trickle, and the prices of goods and services have sharply risen with increased fuel costs, all of which has pushed the economies of many countries to the crashing point. The cities have become filled with hungry and desperate people, some of whom have turned into violent, marauding bands. For most people, this scenario is merely science fiction. However, an increasing number firmly believe that this future is inevitable. What's more, the precursors to this dark time could be witnessed within the next few years.
The problem comes down to oil, the production of which could soon peak. After this high point, there will simply be less and less oil available, which poses all sorts of difficulties because modern society has been built on this limited energy source. These survivalists have begun to prepare for the worst, moving to rural areas, learning to become self-sufficient, and in some cases, even stock-piling guns to defend against desperate mobs.
It's important to note that many of these people believe that nothing can save the alreadyimperiled modern world. So quite a few have begun their preparations in secret, worried about a time when the unprepared abandon the cities and become refugees in search of food and shelter.
On the brighter side, many of these survivalists see a day when neighbors band together and become close-knit communities once more. In addition, many expect their children and grandchildren to return to help work the land, which means the family unit will once more play anintegral role in people's lives.