Weisure Time

em 08 de Abril de 2016
By 2020, the US will emit even more greenhouse gases than it does now, a recent report submitted to the UN stated. The United States, one of the world's largest polluters, already releases 25% of all pollutants responsible for global warming. What's worse, more and more scientists are concluding that global warming cannot be stopped. At best, we can limit how much the Earth will warm, as well as for how long. But even if all countries were to stop their greenhouse gas emissions tomorrow, temperatures would still rise.
The report is overdue, and should have been submitted to the UN much earlier. Some suggest that the report took longer to compile because the US government remains reluctant to tell the truth. In the future, global warming will severely affect the US and its economy. Opponents say that the US needs to do more, as its current policy only slows the growth rate of carbon dioxide and other gases. The administration doesn't have any policies enacted to actually reduce emissions.
At present, scientists are working to improve renewable energy resources, such as wind and solar power. They also conduct work to improve power plant efficiency. The US government spends $3 billion annually to research new technology, and $2 billion on climate research.
But maybe the answer to global warming is simpler. Paul Hellyer, a former Canadian defense minister from the 1960s, has called on all governments to come clean on UFOs. With the use of alien technology, he has explained, we could eliminate the burning of fossil fuels within a generation. Those spacecrafts have traveled immense distances to visit our planet, and so they must be equipped with advanced engines and energy systems.
UFOs have definitely crashed here, Hellyer has repeatedly said, pointing to the 1947 crash at Roswell as an example. Governments have alien technology secreted away. We could save our planet if only governments released the information.