The Natural process of language acquisition.
Por: Paulo V.
31 de Julho de 2020

The Natural process of language acquisition.

Don't focus on grammar.

Inglês Conversação Básico Gramática Intermediário Ensino Médio Ensino Fundamental Tradução Vestibular

There's a wide range of methods regarding language acquisition, particularly I don't think that there's a good or bad method, however, any method should follow the natural process.

Many students give up at the beginning of their learning journey, thinking they are not able to keep on studying because grammar is presented and taught at the beginning of the process.

In the natural process of language acquisition, grammar never comes first, do you know why? It's because the role of grammar is only polishing and improving the acquired language.


R$ 40 / h
Paulo V.
Linhares / ES
Paulo V.
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Conversação em Inglês Inglês Básico Inglês no Ensino Fundamental
Graduação: Bachelor of Business (CCT college Dublin)
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