Foto de Isaias M.
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Atividade de inglês 1

1) Complete  as frases com o presente  Simples dos verbos: A) Maria Eduarda ______ to the beach (go) B) It _______ away from here (fly) C) Lucas _______ her (kiss) D) She ________ the dishes (wash) E) He __________ his own grave (bury ) F) It ___________ up everything (mess) G) Rhyan ________ English (speak) H)Laiz  _________ every afternoon (walk) I) He ___________ himself ( Hurt ) J) Fabrício ________ a lot ( cry) 2 Make the senteces above  interrogative A) B) C) D E F G H I J 3) Make them negative now A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) J) 4) Rewrite The senteces using "he", "she" or "it" A) Piauí is The best state B)Jordiel misses  many classes C) Raiane  Loves chocolate D) Sara has Good grades E) The dog bark a lot F) Anderson Goes away
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Professor Matheus A.
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Boa tarde, Isaías. Tudo bem?

Preparei aqui para você uma explicação sobre o Presente Simples em inglês.

Em caso de eventuais dúvidas ou se precisar de ajuda para entender tarefas basta marcar uma aula comigo! :)

O presente simples é um dos tempos verbais usados para descrever ações habituais, fatos universais, ou eventos que ocorrem regularmente no presente. Ele é formado com o uso do verbo principal na forma base (infinitivo sem o "to") para a maioria dos sujeitos, exceto para a terceira pessoa do singular (he, she, it), que recebe um acréscimo do "-s" no final do verbo.

Por exemplo:
- I play soccer every Saturday. (Eu jogo futebol todo sábado.)
- She likes to read books. (Ela gosta de ler livros.)

Na forma negativa, utilizamos o auxiliar "do not" ou "does not" (para a terceira pessoa do singular), seguido do verbo base, para expressar negação.

Por exemplo:
- They do not like spicy food. (Eles não gostam de comida apimentada.)
- He does not play the guitar. (Ele não toca violão.)

Na forma interrogativa, usamos o auxiliar "do" ou "does" (para a terceira pessoa do singular) antes do sujeito, seguido do verbo base.

Por exemplo:
- Do you speak Spanish? (Você fala espanhol?)
- Does she work in a hospital? (Ela trabalha em um hospital?)

Esse tempo verbal uma das estruturas mais básicas em inglês e é fundamental para se comunicar sobre ações cotidianas e informações gerais.


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Professor Miguel R.
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Contatar Miguel Augusto

Isaias, look:

No presente, na terceira pessoa do singular, há adição de "s" para a maioria dos verbos. Leia mais sobre os casos especiais:,s%20to%20the%20main%20form. . 

Em perguntas acrescente o auxiliar Do antes do sujeito para as pessoas "I, you, we e they". Para "he, she e it", use Does. Após o sujeito o verbo fica no infinitivo. - Does she go...? / Do you study French? 

Em negativas, use don't para you, we, they / doesn't para he, she, it + infinitivo: She doesn't go... / They don't play outside...

Espero tê-lo ajudado. At.te, tutor Miguel Augusto Ribeiro. 

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Professora Taciane L.
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Contatar Taciane Keren

1) Complete as frases com o presente simples dos verbos:
A) Maria Eduarda goes to the beach.
B) It flies away from here.
C) Lucas kisses her.
D) She washes the dishes.
E) He buries his own grave.
F) It messes up everything.
G) Rhyan speaks English.
H) Laiz walks every afternoon.
I) He hurts himself.
J) Fabrício cries a lot.

2) Transforme as frases acima em interrogativas:
A) Does Maria Eduarda go to the beach?
B) Does it fly away from here?
C) Does Lucas kiss her?
D) Does she wash the dishes?
E) Does he bury his own grave?
F) Does it mess up everything?
G) Does Rhyan speak English?
H) Does Laiz walk every afternoon?
I) Does he hurt himself?
J) Does Fabrício cry a lot?

3) Transforme as frases acima em negativas:
A) Maria Eduarda does not go to the beach.
B) It does not fly away from here.
C) Lucas does not kiss her.
D) She does not wash the dishes.
E) He does not bury his own grave.
F) It does not mess up everything.
G) Rhyan does not speak English.
H) Laiz does not walk every afternoon.
I) He does not hurt himself.
J) Fabrício does not cry a lot.

4) Reescreva as frases utilizando "he", "she" ou "it":
A) He is the best state.
B) She misses many classes.
C) She loves chocolate.
D) She has good grades.
E) It barks a lot.
F) He goes away.

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Professor Marcelo M.
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1- A- goes

B- flies


D - Washes

E- Buries

F- Messes

G- Speaks

H - Walks

I- Hurts

J -Cries

2 - A - Does maria eduardago to the beach?

B-Does it fly away from here?

C- Does lucas kiss her?

D- Does she wash the dishes?

E - Does he bury his own grave?

F Does it mess everything up? 

G - Does Rhyan speak English?

H - Does lais walk every afternoon?

I - Does he hurt himself?

3 - A - Maria eduarda doesn't go to the beach

B- it doesn't fly away from here

C - Lucas doesn't kiss her

D- She doesn't wash the dishes

E- He doesn't bury his own grave

F- It doesn't mess up everything

G- Rhyan doesn't speak English

H - Lais doesn't walk every afternoon

I - He doesn't hurt himself

J - fabricio doesn't cry a lot

4 - A - it's the best state

B- He misses many classes

C- She loves Chocolate

D - She has good grades

E - It barks a lot

F -He goes away

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Professora Diana B.
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1) A) Maria Eduarda goes to the beach. (go)
B) It flies away from here. (fly)
C) Lucas kissed her. (kiss)
D) She washes the dishes. (wash)
E) He buries his own grave. (bury)
F) It messes up everything. (mess)
G) Rhyan speaks English. (speak)
H) Laiz walks every afternoon. (walk)
I) He hurts himself. (Hurt)
J) Fabrício cries a lot. (cry)
2) A) Does Maria Eduarda go to the beach? (go)
B) Does it fly away from here? (fly)
C) Does Lucas kiss her? (kiss)
D) Does she wash the dishes? (wash)
E) Does he bury his own grave? (bury)
F) Does it mess up everything? (mess)
G) Does Rhyan speak English? (speak)
H) Does Laiz walk every afternoon? (walk)
I) Does hhurt himself? (Hurt)
J) Does Fabrício cry a lot? (cry)
3) A) Maria Eduarda doesn't go to the beach. (go)
B) It doesn't fly away from here. (fly)
C) Lucas doesn't kiss her. (kiss)
D) She doesn't wash the dishes. (wash)
E) He doesn't bury his own grave. (bury)
F) It doesn't mess up everything. (mess)
G) Rhyan doesn't speak English. (speak)
H) Laiz doesn't walk every afternoon. (walk)
I) He doesn't hurt himself. (Hurt)
J) Fabrício doesn't cry a lot. (cry)
4) A) Piauí is the best state.
It is the best state.
B) Jordiel misses many classes.
He misses many classes.
C) Raiane loves chocolate.
She loves chocolate.
D) Sara has good grades.
She has good grades.
E) The dog barks a lot.
It barks a lot.
F) Anderson goes away.
He goes away.

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Professora Anne A.
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Contatar Anne Caroline

1) Complete as frases com o presente simples dos verbos:
A) Maria Eduarda goes to the beach.
B) It flies away from here.
C) Lucas kisses her.
D) She washes the dishes.
E) He buries his own grave.
F) It messes up everything.
G) Rhyan speaks English.
H) Laiz walks every afternoon.
I) He hurts himself.
J) Fabrício cries a lot.

2) Transforme as frases acima em interrogativas:
A) Does Maria Eduarda go to the beach?
B) Does it fly away from here?
C) Does Lucas kiss her?
D) Does she wash the dishes?
E) Does he bury his own grave?
F) Does it mess up everything?
G) Does Rhyan speak English?
H) Does Laiz walk every afternoon?
I) Does he hurt himself?
J) Does Fabrício cry a lot?

3) Transforme as frases acima em negativas:
A) Maria Eduarda does not go to the beach.
B) It does not fly away from here.
C) Lucas does not kiss her.
D) She does not wash the dishes.
E) He does not bury his own grave.
F) It does not mess up everything.
G) Rhyan does not speak English.
H) Laiz does not walk every afternoon.
I) He does not hurt himself.
J) Fabrício does not cry a lot.

4) Reescreva as frases utilizando "he", "she" ou "it":
A) He is the best state.
B) She misses many classes.
C) She loves chocolate.
D) She has good grades.
E) It barks a lot.
F) He goes away.

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Professora Giovanna S.
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A) Maria Eduarda goes to the beach. B) It flies away from here. C) Lucas kisses her. D) She washes the dishes. E) He buries his own grave. F) It messes up everything. G) Rhyan speaks English. H) Laiz walks every afternoon. I) He hurts himself. J) Fabrício cries a lot.

  1. Transformação das frases em interrogativas:

A) Does Maria Eduarda go to the beach? B) Does it fly away from here? C) Does Lucas kiss her? D) Does she wash the dishes? E) Does he bury his own grave? F) Does it mess up everything? G) Does Rhyan speak English? H) Does Laiz walk every afternoon? I) Does he hurt himself? J) Does Fabrício cry a lot?

  1. Transformação das frases em negativas:

A) Maria Eduarda does not go to the beach. B) It does not fly away from here. C) Lucas does not kiss her. D) She does not wash the dishes. E) He does not bury his own grave. F) It does not mess up everything. G) Rhyan does not speak English. H) Laiz does not walk every afternoon. I) He does not hurt himself. J) Fabrício does not cry a lot.

  1. Reescrevendo as frases com "he", "she" ou "it":

A) It is the best state. B) He misses many classes. C) She loves chocolate. D) She has good grades. E) It barks a lot. F) He goes away.

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Professor Sandro R.
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Além disso, ele é usado para expressar verdades universaissentimentosdesejosopiniões preferências.

Vamos as questões?

1) a) Maria Eduarda goes to the beach 

     b) It flies away from here

     c) Lucas kisses her

     d) She washes the dishes

     e) He burries his own grave

     f) It messes up everuthing

     g) Rhyan speaks English

     h) Laiz walks every afternoon

      i) He hurts himself

      j) Fabrício cries a lot 

2) Forma interrogativa 

  a) Does Maria Eduarda go to the beach?

 b) Does it fly away from here?

 c) Does Lucas kiss her?

 d) Does she wash the dishes?

 e) Does he bury his own grave?

 f) Does it mess up everything?

g) Does Rhyan speak English?

h) Does Laiz walk every afternoon?

i) Does he hurt himself?

j) Does Fabrício cry a lot?

3) Forma negativa

a) Maria Eduarda does not go to the beach

b) It does not fly away from here

c) Lucas does not not her kiss her

d) She does not wash the dishes

e) He does not bury his own grave

f) It does not mess up everything

g) Rhyan does not speak English

h) Laiz does not walk every afternoon

i) He does not hurt himself

j) Fabrício does not cry a lot

4) a) It's the best state

    b) He misses many classes

    c) She loves chocolate

    d) She has good grades

    e) It barks a lot 

    f) He goes away


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Professora Natasha H.
Respondeu há 1 ano
Contatar Natasha

Maria Eduarda goes to the beach

It flies away from here

Lucas kisses her

She washes the dishes

He buries his own grave

It messes up everything

Rhyan speaks English

Laiz walks every afternoon

He hurts himself

Fabricio cries a lot


Does Maria Eduarda go to the beach?

Does it fly away from here?

Does Lucas kiss her?

Does she wash the dishes?

Does he bury his own grave?

Does it mess up everything?

Does Rhyan speak English?

Does Laiz walk every afternoon?

Does he hurt himself?

Does Fabricio cry a lot?


Maria Eduarda doesn't go to the beach

It doesn't fly away from here

Lucas doesn't kiss her

She doesn't wash the dishes

He doesn't bury his own grave

It doesn't mess up everything

Rhyan doesn't speak English

Laiz doesn't walk every afternoon

He doesn't hurt himself

Fabricio doesn't cry a lot


It's the best state

He misses many classes

She loves chocolate

She has good grades

It barks a lot

He goes away

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Professor Daniel O.
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Contatar Daniel

1) Complete  as frases com o presente  Simples dos verbos:

A) Maria Eduarda __goes____ to the beach (go)

B) It _flies___ away from here (fly)

C) Lucas ___kisses____ her (kiss)

D) She ___washes_____ the dishes (wash)

E) He _____buries_____ his own grave (bury )

F) It _____messes______ up everything (mess)

G) Rhyan ___speaks_____ English (speak)

H)Laiz  ___walks______ every afternoon (walk)

I) He _____hurts______ himself ( Hurt )

J) Fabrício ___cries_____ a lot ( cry)



2 Make the senteces above  interrogative

A) Does Maria go to the beach?

B) Does it fly away from me?

C) Does Lucas kiss her?

D) Does she wash the dishes?

E) Does he bury his own grave?

F) Does it mess up everything?

G) Does ryan speak english?

H) Does Lais walk every afternoon?

I) Does he hurt himself?

J) Does Fabricio cry a lot?



3) Make them negative now 

A) Maria Eduarda doesn't go to the beach

B) It doesn't fly away from here

C) Lucas doesn't kiss her

D) She doesn't wash the dishes

E) He doesn't bury his own grave

F) It doesn't mess up everything

G) Ryan doesn't speak english

H) Lais doesn't walk every afternoon

I) He doesn't hurt himself

J) Fabrico doesn't cry a lot



 4) Rewrite The senteces using "he", "she" or "it"

A) Piauí is The best state

It is the best state


B)Jordiel misses  many classes

He misses many classes


C) Raiane  Loves chocolate

She loves chocolate


D) Sara has Good grades

She has good grades


E) The dog bark a lot

it barks a lot


F) Anderson Goes away

He goes away

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Professor Agenor J.
Respondeu há 1 ano
Contatar Agenor

1) Complete  as frases com o presente Simples dos verbos:

A) Maria Eduarda GOES to the beach (go)

B) It FLIES away from here (fly)

C) Lucas KISSES her (kiss)

D) She WASHES the dishes (wash)

E) He BURIES his own grave (bury) - OBS.: Se a intenção aqui foi de traduzir a expressão em Português "ELE CAVA A SUA PRÓPRIA COVA", então o verbo a ser utilizado seria DIG, de modo que ficaria "HE DIGGES HIS OWN GRAVE".

F) It MESSES up everything (mess)

G) Rhyan SPEAKS English (speak)

H) Laiz WALKS every afternoon (walk)

I) He HURTS himself ( Hurt )

J) Fabrício CRIES a lot ( cry)

2) Make the senteces above interrogative

A) Does Maria Eduarda go to the beach?

B) Does it fly away from here?

C) Does Lucas kiss her?

D) Does she wash the dishes?

E) Does he bury (dig) his own grave?

F) Does it mess up everything?

G) Does Ryan speak English?

H) Does Laiz walk every afternoon?

I) Does he hurt himself?

J) Does Fabrício cry a lot?

3) Make them negative now

A) Maria Eduarda DOESN'T GO to the beach

B) It DOESN'T FLY away from here

C) Lucas DOESN'T KISS her

D) She DOENS'T WASH the dishes

E) He DOENS'T BURY his own grave - OBS.: Se a intenção aqui foi de traduzir a expressão em Português "ELE NÃO CAVA A SUA PRÓPRIA COVA", então o verbo a ser utilizado seria DIG, de modo que ficaria "HE DOESN'T DIG HIS OWN GRAVE".

F) It DOESN'T MESS up everything

G) Rhyan DOESN'T SPEAK English

H) Laiz DOESN'T WALK every afternoon

I) He DOESN'T HURT himself

J) Fabrício DOESN'T CRY a lot

4) Rewrite The senteces using "he", "she" or "it"

A) Piauí is The best state = IT IS THE BEST STATE

B) Jordiel misses many classes = HE MISSES MANY CLASSES

C) Raiane Loves chocolate = SHE LOVES CHOCOLATE

D) Sara has Good grades = SHE HAS GOOD GRADES

E) The dog bark a lot = IT BARKS A LOT (because the sex of the dog is unknown, otherwise, it would be HE or SHE instead)

F) Anderson Goes away = HE GOES AWAY 

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Professor Leonardo G.
Respondeu há 1 ano
Contatar Leonardo

Hello there! Here goes: 

1) Present Simple

A) Maria Eduarda goes to the beach.
B) It flies away from here.
C) Lucas kisses her.
D) She washes the dishes.
E) He buries his own grave.
F) It messes up everything.
G) Rhyan speaks English.
H) Laiz walks every afternoon.
I) He hurts himself.
J) Fabrício cries a lot.

2) Interrogative:

A) Does Maria Eduarda go to the beach?
B) Does it fly away from here?
C) Does Lucas kiss her?
D) Does she wash the dishes?
E) Does he bury his own grave?
F) Does it mess up everything?
G) Does Rhyan speak English?
H) Does Laiz walk every afternoon?
I) Does he hurt himself?
J) Does Fabrício cry a lot?

3) Negative:

A) Maria Eduarda does not go to the beach.
B) It does not fly away from here.
C) Lucas does not kiss her.
D) She does not wash the dishes.
E) He does not bury his own grave.
F) It does not mess up everything.
G) Rhyan does not speak English.
H) Laiz does not walk every afternoon.
I) He does not hurt himself.
J) Fabrício does not cry a lot.

4)  "He", "she" ou "it":

A) It is the best state.
B) He misses many classes.
C) She loves chocolate.
D) She has good grades.
E) It barks a lot.
F) He goes away.

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Professor Robert P.
Respondeu há 1 ano
Contatar Robert

1) Complete  as frases com o presente  Simples dos verbos:

A) Maria Eduarda GOES to the beach (go)

B) It FLiES away from here (fly)

C) Lucas KISSES her (kiss)

D) She WASHES the dishes (wash)

E) He BURIES his own grave (bury )

F) It MESSES up everything (mess)

G) Rhyan SPEAKS English (speak)

H ) Laiz WALKS every afternoon (walk)

I) He HURTS himself ( Hurt )

J) Fabrício CRIES a lot ( cry)

2 Make the sentences above  interrogative

A) Does Maria Eduarda go to the beach? 

B) Does it fly away from here? 

C) Does Lucas kiss her? 

D) Does she wash the dishes?

E) Does he bury his own body?

F) Does it mess up everything? 

G) Does Rhyan speak English? 

H) Does Laiz walk every afternoon? 

I) Does he hurt himself?

J) Does Fabricio cry a lot?

3) Make them negative now A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) J)

A) Maria Eduarda WENT to the beach (go)

B) It FLEW away from here (fly)

C) Lucas KISSED her (kiss)

D) She WASHED the dishes (wash)

E) He BURIED his own grave (bury )

F) It MESSED up everything (mess)

G) Rhyan SPOKES English (speak)

H ) Laiz WALKED every afternoon (walk)

I) He HURT himself ( Hurt )

J) Fabrício CRIED a lot ( cry)

4) Rewrite The sentences using "he", "she" or "it"

A) Piauí is The best state: It is the best state.

B) Jordiel misses many classes: He missed many classes. 

C) Raiane  Loves chocolate: She loves chocolate

D) Sara has Good grades: She has good grades. 

E) The dog barkSa lot: It barks a lot

F) Anderson Goes away: He goes aways 

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Professor Gustavo T.
Respondeu há 1 ano
Contatar Gustavo

Boa tarde Isaias , 

tudo bem ? esse conteúdo é bem inicial de Inglês , o ideal seria você aprender o básico todo com um professor , o que vai te dar uma base pra progredir no idioma. Mas não se preocupe , parece difícil , mas é mais tranquilo do que parece .
Pode contar comigo nessa !
Solicite uma aula comigo .
Abraço !

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Professor Leandro P.
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Respondeu há 11 meses
Contatar Leandro
1) goes - flies - kisses - washes - buries - messes - speaks - walks - hurts - cries. 2) Does Maria Eduarda go...? / Does it fly...? / Does Lucas kiss...? / Does she wash...? / Does he bury...? / Does it mess...? Does Rhyan speak...? / Does Laiz walk...? / Does he hurt...? / Does Fabrício cry...? 3) doesn't go / doesn't fly / doesn't kiss / doesn't wash / doesn't bury / doesn't mess / doesn't speak / doesn't walk / doesn't hurt / doesn't cry 4) it / he / she / she / it / he

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Professor Alan M.
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Respondeu há 10 meses
Contatar Alan

A) Maria Eduarda goes to the beach. B) It flies away from here. C) Lucas kisses her. D) She washes the dishes. E) He buries his own grave. F) It messes up everything. G) Rhyan speaks English. H) Laiz walks every afternoon. I) He hurts himself. J) Fabrício cries a lot.

  1. Make the sentences above interrogative: A) Does Maria Eduarda go to the beach? B) Does it fly away from here? C) Does Lucas kiss her? D) Does she wash the dishes? E) Does he bury his own grave? F) Does it mess up everything? G) Does Rhyan speak English? H) Does Laiz walk every afternoon? I) Does he hurt himself? J) Does Fabrício cry a lot?

  2. Make them negative now: A) Maria Eduarda doesn't go to the beach. B) It doesn't fly away from here. C) Lucas doesn't kiss her. D) She doesn't wash the dishes. E) He doesn't bury his own grave. F) It doesn't mess up everything. G) Rhyan doesn't speak English. H) Laiz doesn't walk every afternoon. I) He doesn't hurt himself. J) Fabrício doesn't cry a lot.

  3. Rewrite the sentences using "he", "she", or "it": A) He is the best state. B) She misses many classes. C) She loves chocolate. D) She has good grades. E) It barks a lot. F) He goes away.

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Professor Assis J.
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Respondeu há 1 ano
Contatar Assis
1) Complete as frases com o presente simples dos verbos: A) Maria Eduarda goes to the beach. B) It flies away from here. C) Lucas kisses her. D) She washes the dishes. E) He buries his own grave. F) It messes up everything. G) Rhyan speaks English. H) Laiz walks every afternoon. I) He hurts himself. J) Fabrício cries a lot. 2) Transforme as sentenças em interrogativas: A) Does Maria Eduarda go to the beach? B) Does it fly away from here? C) Does Lucas kiss her? D) Does she wash the dishes? E) Does he bury his own grave? F) Does it mess up everything? G) Does Rhyan speak English? H) Does Laiz walk every afternoon? I) Does he hurt himself? J) Does Fabrício cry a lot? 3) Agora, torne-as negativas: A) Maria Eduarda doesn't go to the beach. B) It doesn't fly away from here. C) Lucas doesn't kiss her. D) She doesn't wash the dishes. E) He doesn't bury his own grave. F) It doesn't mess up everything. G) Rhyan doesn't speak English. H) Laiz doesn't walk every afternoon. I) He doesn't hurt himself. J) Fabrício doesn't cry a lot. 4) Reescreva as sentenças usando "he", "she" ou "it": A) It is the best state. B) He misses many classes. C) She loves chocolate. D) She has good grades. E) It barks a lot. F) He goes away.

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Professora Paula E.
Respondeu há 1 ano
Contatar Paula

1) Complete  as frases com o presente  Simples dos verbos:

A) Maria Eduarda goes to the beach (go)

B) It flies away from here (fly)

C) Lucas kisses her (kiss)

D) She washes the dishes (wash)

E) He buries his own grave (bury )

F) It messes up everything (mess)

G) Rhyan speaks English (speak)

H)Laiz  walks every afternoon (walk)

I) He hurts himself ( Hurt )

J) Fabrício cries a lot ( cry)


2 Make the sentences above  interrogative

A)Does Maria go to the beach?

B)Does it fly away?

C)Does Lucas kiss her?

 D)Does she wash the dishes?

E)Does he bury his own grave?

F)Does it mess up everything?

G)Does Rhyan speak English?

H)Does Laiz walk every afternoon?

I)Does he hurt himself?

J)Does Fabricio cry a lot?


3) Make them negative now

A)Maria does not go to the beach

B)It does not fly away

C)Lucas doesn´t kiss her

D)She doesn´t wash the dishes.

E)He doesn´t burry his own grave

F)It doesn´t mess up everything

G)Rhyan doesn´t speak English

H)Laiz doesn´t walk every afternoon

I)He doesn´t hurt himself.

J)Fabricio doesn´t cry a lot


4) Rewrite The senteces using "he", "she" or "it"

A) Piauí is The best state – It is the best state

B)Jordiel misses  many classes – He misses many classes

C) Raiane  Loves chocolate – She loves chocolate

D) Sara has Good grades – She has good grades

E) The dog barks a lot – It barks a lot

F) Anderson Goes away – He goes away.

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Professora Poliana L.
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1) Complete  as frases com o presente  Simples dos verbos:

A) Maria Eduarda goes to the beach (go)

B) It flies away from here (fly)

C) Lucas kisses her (kiss)

D) She washes the dishes (wash)

E) He buries his own grave (bury)

F) It messes up everything (mess)

G) Ryan speaks English (speak)

H) Laiz walks every afternoon (walk)

I) He hurts himself (Hurt)

J) Fabrício cries a lot ( cry)


2 Make the sentences above interrogative A) B) C) D E F G H I J

A) Does Maria Eduarda go to the beach?

B) Does it fly away from here?

C) Does Lucas kiss her?

D) Does she wash the dishes?

E) Does he bury his own grave?

F) Does it mess up everything?

G) Does Ryan speak English?

H) Does Laiz walk every afternoon?

I) Does he hurt himself?

J)  Does Fabricio cry a lot?


3) Make them negative now A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) J)

A) Maria Eduarda doesn't go to the beach.

B) It doesn't fly away from here.

C) Lucas doesn’t kiss her.

D) She doesn't wash the dishes.

E) He doesn't bury his own grave.

F) It doesn't mess up everything.

G) Ryan doesn't speak English.

H) Laiz doesn't walk every afternoon.

I) He doesn't hurt himself.

J) Fabricio doesn't cry a lot.

4) Rewrite The sentences using "he", "she" or "it"

A) Piauí is the best state. — It's the best state.

B)Jordiel misses many classes. —He misses many classes.

C) Raiane loves chocolate. — She loves chocolate.

D) Sara has good grades. — She has good grades.

E) The dog bark a lot. — It barks a lot.

F) Anderson goes away. — He goes away.

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Professor Antonio R.
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A) Maria Eduarda goes to the beach. B) It flies away from here. C) Lucas kisses her. D) She washes the dishes. E) He buries his own grave. F) It messes up everything. G) Rhyan speaks English. H) Laiz walks every afternoon. I) He hurts himself. J) Fabrício cries a lot.

Interrogative: A) Does Maria Eduarda go to the beach? B) Does it fly away from here? C) Does Lucas kiss her? D) Does she wash the dishes? E) Does he bury his own grave? F) Does it mess up everything? G) Does Rhyan speak English? H) Does Laiz walk every afternoon? I) Does he hurt himself? J) Does Fabrício cry a lot?

Negative: A) Maria Eduarda does not go to the beach. B) It does not fly away from here. C) Lucas does not kiss her. D) She does not wash the dishes. E) He does not bury his own grave. F) It does not mess up everything. G) Rhyan does not speak English. H) Laiz does not walk every afternoon. I) He does not hurt himself. J) Fabrício does not cry a lot.

Using "he," "she," or "it": A) It is the best state. B) She misses many classes. C) She loves chocolate. D) She has good grades. E) It barks a lot. F) He goes away.

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