Can can't

Inglês Ensino Médio

Paula has got a problem. Use can or can't + the verb in brackets ( ). There is an EXAMPLE to help you. Oh dear! Where's my key? I CAN'T FIND (find) it. Oh, look! It's on the kitchen table. I 1) ___ (see) it. Now what am I going to do? I 2) ___ (get in). I 3) ___ (climb) the tree to the window on the first floor. It' s too high. I 4) ___ (telephone) for help because I haven't got my money with me. Hey, what's that noise in the sitting room? I 5) ___ (hear) something. Oh good, it's Peter. He's at home. I'm safe!

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Professora Vivian N.
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Olá, Dani. Para sabermos quando usar can na negativa ou na afirmativa, devemos considerar o contexto em que será inserido. Vejamos um por um:

Oh, look! It's on the kitchen table. I 1) ___ (see) it. - Alguém encontrou algo, "oh look" é uma expressão usada similarmente como sua tradução literal em português "ah, olha só". Por falar que está "on the kitchen table", assumimos que a pessoa está vendo o que procurava, portanto, se está vendo, a pessoa "can see it" - I can see it.

Now what am I going to do? I 2) ___ (get in). - A expressão "now what am I going to do?" traduz-se para "E agora? O que eu faço?", sendo assim a pessoa se encontra com um problema. Pensando que na ação que seria realizada (get in, entrar), entendemos por um contexto social que o problema é que ela não consegue entrar, portanto, I can't get in. (I can not get in)

I 3) ___ (climb) the tree to the window on the first floor. It' s too high. - Se a pessoa está reclamando que a janela está muito alta (o uso do too quando adjetivamos algo muitas vezes é de exagero e, pelo contexto, aqui é de forma negativa, por isso reclamação), entendemos que ela não consegue subir na árvore, então I can't climb the tree...

I 4) ___ (telephone) for help because I haven't got my money with me. - Esse temos que imaginar que é preciso dinheiro para ligar para alguém, pois senão a frase não faria sentido. Se a pessoa não tem o dinheiro com ela, ela não poderia, nesse contexto, ligar e chamar ajuda, portanto I can't telephone/phone for help (phone é mais usado como telephone enquanto verbo)

Hey, what's that noise in the sitting room? I 5) ___ (hear) something. Oh good, it's Peter. He's at home. I'm safe! - Por fim, se a pessoa percebeu um barulho na sitting room, significa que ela ouviu um barulho, portanto I can hear something.


Espero ter ajudado, qualquer dúvida é só me contatar!

Atenciosamente, teacher Vivian Nagy

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Professor Rodrigo L.
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1) can't see

2) can't get in

3) can't climb

4) can't telephone

5) can hear

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Professor Paul J.
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Paula has got a problem. Use can or can't + the verb in brackets ( ). There is an EXAMPLE to help you. Oh dear! Where's my key? I CAN'T FIND (find) it. Oh, look! It's on the kitchen table. I

Oh dear! Where's my key? 1) I can't see it. Now what am I going to do? I 2) can't get in. I 3) can't climb the tree to the window on the first floor. It' s too high. I 4) can't telephone for help because I haven't got my money with me. Hey, what's that noise in the sitting room? I 5) can her something. Oh good, it's Peter. He's at home. I'm safe!

But, let me offer some better ways to speak like a native speaker

Oh boy! Where's my key?  I don't see it. Now what am I gonna do? I can't get in. I'd climb the tree to the window on the first floor, but It' s too high. I can't call for help because I don't have any money with me. Hey, what's that noise in the living room? I hear something. Oh good, it's Peter. He's ahome. I'm safe!

This is how native American's speak. And it is the difference between learning from a book and studying with a native speaker. I hope it helped. God bless.

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