Estou com duvida nessa questão de inglês 09/12

Inglês Básico Conversação Gramática Intermediário Ensino Médio Tradução Adolescentes Geral

3- Complete the text with was/were. There ____________ an important Historic event in 1492. Christopher Columbus And his ships ____________ in “The New World”. It ____________ the discovery of America. But that ____________ a tragedy for the real first Americans: the Indians. North American Indians ____________ free and happy at that time. There ____________ many different tribes por nations, all with their rich culture, their old traditions, their different languages and customs. And now? More than five hundred years after Columbus? There are about two thousand Indians living in America today. In the past there ____________ about six million.

Foto de Davi R.
Davi perguntou há 3 anos

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Professora Vivian N.
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Oi Davi, o verbo was usamos para singular e were para plural, tente resolver o exercício com base nisso.

De qualquer forma, as respostas são: was (a Historical event - singular); were (Columbus and his ships - plural); was (it - singular); was (that - singular); were (North American Indians - plural); were (many different tribes - plural); were (six million [Indians] - plural)

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Professora Diana Z.
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There WAS an important Historic event in 1492. Christopher Columbus and his ships WERE in “The New World”. It WAS the discovery of America. But that WAS a tragedy for the real first Americans: the Indians. North American Indians WERE free and happy at that time. There WERE many different tribes por nations, all with their rich culture, their old traditions, their different languages and customs. And now? More than five hundred years after Columbus? There are about two thousand Indians living in America today. In the past there WERE about six million.

Espero ter te ajudado!

Diana Zollinger
Consultora em Treinamento de Idiomas 

Skype: dizchohfi

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Professora Nicole C.
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Respondeu há 3 anos

3- Complete the text with was/were. There ___was_________ an important Historic event in 1492. Christopher Columbus And his ships ____were________ in “The New World”. It ____was________ the discovery of America. But that ______was______ a tragedy for the real first Americans: the Indians. North American Indians ___were_________ free and happy at that time. There _____were_______ many different tribes por nations, all with their rich culture, their old traditions, their different languages and customs. And now? More than five hundred years after Columbus? There are about two thousand Indians living in America today. In the past there ____were________ about six million.


WAS = singular

WERE = plural


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3- Complete the text with was/were. There __was___ an important Historic event in 1492. Christopher Columbus And his ships __were______ in “The New World”. It __was_______ the discovery of America. But that __was_______ a tragedy for the real first Americans: the Indians. North American Indians __were______ free and happy at that time. There __were______ many different tribes por nations, all with their rich culture, their old traditions, their different languages and customs. And now? More than five hundred years after Columbus? There are about two thousand Indians living in America today. In the past there _were___ about six million.

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Intermediate English Estudos de Inglês Leitura em Inglês
Curso Livre: Curso de Extensão - Literature of American Fascism (Faculdade de Filosofia Letras e Ciências Humanas (FFLCH-USP))
Professora de inglês, com aulas personalizadas. Para quem quer entender e ser entendido em inglês!
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Roberto M.
Parnamirim / RN
Roberto M.
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Inglês - Preparatório para o ENEM Inglês - Proficiência para Mestrado e Doutorado Inglês - Preparatório para as Escolas Militares
Especialização: "Teacher Training" e "English for Specific Purposes" (ESP). (EMBASSY CES em Fort Lauderdale - Florida/USA.)
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English Fluency English Comprehension CAE Preparation
Mestrado: Estudos Internacionais (ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa)
Professor de Inglês certificado pela Cambridge University com 20 anos de experiência e extensa vivência no Reino Unido, Canadá e Estados Unidos.
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