Expressions for greement

1.Fill the dialogue below using the expressions for agreement and disagreement in the box bellow and consider the verbs at the end of some sentences I don’t think so. (I think/ that was…), I disagree, Nonsense, That’s ridiculous. (I agree. That’s for sure. Me, too. / Me, neither. So do I / Neither do I. I suppose so. Practise 1. A: Do you ___________ reading English novels? (enjoy/want) B : Yes, I __________ to read English novels. (like/want) But I prefer Tamil fiction. How about you? A: Well, I really ___________ reading Bible. (fancy/ enjoy) B: _________________, sometimes. But I don’t like talking about it either. A: ____________________________. A: Who do you ___________ talking to? (love/ like) B: I like talking to children. Practise: Fill in the blanks with expressions from the box. (But I don’t care… I’m not interested…. Are they… (Really) Really. Are they? Sorry, but I’m not) Salesperson Would you like to see our new nylon shirts? Customer ___________________________really interested in nylon shirts just now. Salesperson But they’re very nice you know. Customer _____________________________ Salesperson And not expensive either. Customer Oh, ____________________________about that. Salesperson Everybody is buying them. Customer __________________________________________ Salesperson Yes, they’re very fashionable you see. Customer I’m afraid _____________________________ in fashion. Salesperson I see. Customer But thank you very much. PRACTICE 1: Read the dialogue and fill in the blanks using the expressions below. a short ten-minute drive to walk a two-hour train ride A: How long does it take from your home to the hospital? B: Just ________________________________. A: So, it’s not far, you just have _____________________. B: You? A: I need to take ____________________________. But I don’t care… I’m not interested…. Are they… (Really) Really. Are they? Sorry, but I’m not B: it’s quite far. A: Yes. Children shouldn’t have a TV in their rooms. Do you agree with the statement? If yes or no, why? A) _____________________________, (I suppose/ In my opinion ) I think they shouldn’t have TV in their room because…Violence on TV makes young children more violent. ______________________________________________________________________________ B) ___________________________, (I strongly believe that/ as far as I’m concerned) children shouldn’t have TV in their room due to violence. 2. Is TV a good way for communication? A) _________________________, (Frankly speaking/ I see things rather differently) from my point of view) TV is a good way of communication. B) ______________________________, (from my concern/ personally I think) TV is not good way of communication.
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.Fill the dialogue below using the expressions for agreement and disagreement in the box below and consider the verbs at the end of some sentences I don’t think so. (I think/ that was…), I disagree, Nonsense, That’s ridiculous. (I agree. That’s for sure. Me, too. / Me, neither. So do I / Neither do I. I suppose so.

1 - enjoy

2 - like

3 - enjoy

4 - So do I

5 - I agree.

6 - like


Practise: Fill in the blanks with expressions from the box. (But I don’t care… I’m not interested…. Are they… (Really) Really. Are they? Sorry, but I’m not): 

1 - I'm not

2 - Are they?

3 - But I don't care

4 - Really?

5 - I'm not interested in


PRACTICE 1: Read the dialogue and fill in the blanks using the expressions below:

1 - a short ten-minute drive

2 - to walk

3 - a two-hour train ride


Do you agree with the statement? If yes or no, why? (Nessa parte é para dizer se você concorda ou não e explicar o por que).


São dados alguns exemplos e expresões utilizadas para expressar opinião.


Children shouldn’t have a TV in their rooms. 

 I think they shouldn’t have a TV in their room because…Violence on TV makes young children more violent.

From my point of view) TV is a good way of communication.










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Professora Fatima S.
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1- Enjoy

2- like

3- Enjoy

4- Só do I

5- I agree

6- Like


1- I'm not

2- Are they?

3-But I don't care


5-I'm not interested in

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