Fill in the blanks with the simple present of the verbs in p

Inglês Ensino Médio

Following graduation from medical school, primary care pediatricians (complete) three years of education in an accredited pediatric residency program. Pediatric residency training (emphasize) care of the whole infant, child, adolescent, and young adult. Following the pediatric residency, the pediatrician (be) eligible for board certification by the American Board of Pediatrics with successful completion of a comprehensive written examination. Recertification is required every seven years. Although nearly 60 percent of pediatricians are involved in the provision of primary care for their patients, many others (choose) to continue their education in pediatric subspecialties.

Foto de Evanildo F.
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Professor Miguel R.
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Evanildo, primary care pediatricians complete (they), pediatric residency training emphasizes (it), the pediatrician is eligible (he), many others choose to continue (they). Espero ter ajudado. At.te, prof. Miguel Augusto Ribeiro.   

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Complete Emphasizes Is Choose
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Professor Leonardo C.
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Following graduation from medical school, primary care pediatricians COMPLETE three years of education in an accredited pediatric residency program. Pediatric residency training EMPHASIZES care of the whole infant, child, adolescent, and young adult. Following the pediatric residency, the pediatrician IS eligible for board certification by the American Board of Pediatrics with successful completion of a comprehensive written examination. Recertification is required every seven years. Although nearly 60 percent of pediatricians are involved in the provision of primary care for their patients, many others CHOOSE to continue their education in pediatric subspecialties.


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Professor Kelwin N.
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Following graduation from medical school, primary care pediatricians complete three years of education in an accredited pediatric residency program. Pediatric residency training emphasizes care of the whole infant, child, adolescent, and young adult. Following the pediatric residency, the pediatrician is eligible for board certification by the American Board of Pediatrics with successful completion of a comprehensive written examination. Recertification is required every seven years. Although nearly 60 percent of pediatricians are involved in the provision of primary care for their patients, many others choose to continue their education in pediatric subspecialties. Complete Emphasizes Is Choose
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Professor Diones S.
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Tudo bem Evanildo, As alternativas são: complete, emphasizes, is e choose. See tiver mais dúvidas me chame no whats 11 9 8014-8868. Teacher Diones

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Professor Diogo M.
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Evanildo, os verbos são: Complete Emphasize Choose As formas corretas no Simple Present são respectivamente: Complete (They) Emphasizes (It) Choose (They)

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