Frases em inglês

1. 5 phrases in the present past. 2. 5 Phrases in the present perfect. 3. 5 frases no presente contiouns.
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Professor Miguel R.
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Vasconcelos, aqui respondemos a dúvidas pontuais. At.te, tutor Miguel Augusto Ribeiro.

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1. I rode a bike

2. I flew a kite

3. I drove a car

4. I cooked a nice meal

5. I understood the lesson


1. I have ridden a bike

2. I have flown a kite

3. I have driven a car

4. I have cooked a nice meal

5. I have understood the lesson


1. I am riding a bike

2. I am flying a kite

3. I am driving a car

4. I am cooking a nice meal

5. I am helping you now


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Professora Marines M.
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1. 5 phrases in the simple present,  phrases in the simple past. 2. 5 Phrases in the present perfect. 3. 5 frases no presente contiouns.

Simple present : I eat an apple every day. / I study English / I watch movies on Sundays / I play soccer with my friends / I do the dishes.

Simple Past: I ate an apple yesterday./ I studied English last week/ I watched a movie yesterday/ I played soccer with my friends last night/ I did the dishes in the morning.

Present perfect: I've just eaten an apple/ I have studied English/ I have watched many movies/ I've played soccer/I've already done the dishes.

Present continuous: I am eating an apple./ He's studying English now / I'm watching a movie/ I'm playing soccer with my friends/ I'm doing the dishes.

I hope it helps you.

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   1--> Present past não existe, poderia ser Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect e Present Perfect Continuous. 

   2--> Present Perfect:

1- He has worked this morning

2- She has done that.

3- I have not eaten today.

4- It hasn´t worked yet.

5- Hasn´t she done that?

   3--> Present Continuous:

1- He is working right now.

2- It is not looking good.

3- I am doing this.

4- Is she eating lunch?

5- We are not baking.


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Professor Antonio R.
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5 phrases in the present past.

I ate pizza.

I sent an email.

I was at home.

I became a good man.

I wrote a letter.


5 Phrases in the present perfect.

I have eaten pizza.

I have sent an email.

I have been at home.

I have become a good man.

I have written a letter.



5 frases no presence contiouns.

I have been eating pizza.

I have been writing an email.

I have been waiting at home.

I have been doing exercise.

I have been reading a letter.



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Professor Moisés T.
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Past simple

I went to the beach last week.

I played video games with my friend.

I didn't clean my house last week


Present perfect

I have lived here since I was a child.

I've never been abroad.

I have tried Sushi twice.


Presente continuous

I'm reading a new book, it's great!

I'm not watching TV now.

I'm trying my best.

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