Identify " conditionals " in the sentenças below

1. If Sarah esse clever, She would marry to Prince. 2. If had known, I wouldn't have left it. 3. If Cars were cheaper, they would be everywhere. 4. If you smoke, you Will die soon. 5. If he had player that game, he would have won the reward.
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1-Type 2 . If Sarah were clever, She would marry to Prince. 2-Type 3 If had known, I wouldn't have left it. 3-Type 2 If cars were cheaper, they would be everywhere. 4-Type 1 If you smoke, you will die soon. 5-Type 3 If he had player that game, he would have won the reward.

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Professora Lua F.
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1. If Sarah were clever, +(she would marry to Prince).  Present unreal(past simple)=2nd conditional

2. If I had known,+( I wouldn't have left it).  Past unreal (present perfect)= 3rd conditional

3. If cars were cheaper, +(they would be everywhere). Present unreal (past simple)= 2nd conditional

4. If you smoke, +(you will die soon). Present (present simple)= 1st conditional

5. If he had played that game, +(he would have won the reward). Past unreal (present perfect)= 3rd conditional

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Professora Hellen H.
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1. If were clever, would marry (2nd conditonal, hypothetical situation) 2. If had known, wouldn't have left (3rd conditional, talk hypothetically about the past) 3. If were cheaper, would be (2nd conditonal, hypothetical situation) 4. If smoke, will die. (1st conditional, possible/likely consequence) 5. If had played, would have won (3rd conditional, talk hypothetically about the past)
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Professora Mariana B.
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primeiro condicional -uma oração no presente e a outra no futuro

segundo condicional - uma oração com would e outra no passado simples

terceiro condicional - uma das orações está no particípio (perfect)

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If Sara were clever, she would marry to prince (second conditional)

If I had known, I wouldn't have left  (third conditional)

If cars were cheap, they would be everywhere  (second condition)

If you smoke, you will die soon  (first condition)

If he had played that game, he would have won the reward. (third condition)


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Conversação em Inglês Inglês Intermediário Tradução em Inglês
Doutorado: Tecnologia Nuclear - Aplicações (Universidade de São Paulo (USP))
Professor de Química Geral e Química Orgânica, de Inglês e Espanhol nativo. Venha aprender de verdade!
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Especialização: "Teacher Training" e "English for Specific Purposes" (ESP). (EMBASSY CES em Fort Lauderdale - Florida/USA.)
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Mestrado: Estudos Internacionais (ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa)
Professor de Inglês certificado pela Cambridge University com 20 anos de experiência e extensa vivência no Reino Unido, Canadá e Estados Unidos.
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