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COMPLETE the sentences with " be going to" + a suitable verb. A) "Gary phoned while you were out. " Yes, I know. ____________ him back". B) Look at those black clouds. It ________________. C) I feel terrible. I think I ___________________sick. D) "Why are you turning on the TV?" "I __________ the News".
Foto de Maria M.
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Professor Everton C.
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A - "Gary phoned while you were out. " Yes, I know. I am going to call him back"

B -  Look at those black clouds. It is going to rain.

C -  I feel terrible. I think I am going to get sick.

D - "Why are you turning on the TV?" "I am going to listen / read the News".

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Professora Diana Z.
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COMPLETE the sentences with " be going to" + a suitable verb.

A) "Gary phoned while you were out. " Yes, I know. I´m going to call him back".

B) Look at those black clouds. It is going to rain.

C) I feel terrible. I think I am going to get sick.

D) "Why are you turning on the TV?" "I am going to watch the News".

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Professor Rodrigo L.
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Respondeu há 3 anos

A - "Gary phoned while you were out. " Yes, I know. I am going to call him back"

B -  Look at those black clouds. It is going to rain.

C -  I feel terrible. I think I am going to get sick.

D - "Why are you turning on the TV?" "I am going to watch the News".

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Professora Daisy F.
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A. I'm going to call...

B. It's going to rain...

C. I'm going to get...

D. I'm going to watch...

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Inglês Geral Tradução em Inglês Inglês para Vestibular
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Inglês com Gramática Inglesa Inglês para Concursos Públicos Inglês - Preparatório para o ENEM
Especialização: "Teacher Training" e "English for Specific Purposes" (ESP). (EMBASSY CES em Fort Lauderdale - Florida/USA.)
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Mestrado: Estudos Internacionais (ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa)
Professor de Inglês certificado pela Cambridge University com 20 anos de experiência e extensa vivência no Reino Unido, Canadá e Estados Unidos.
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