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Match the columns to connect the phrases: A) If you don't hurry, ( ) if I give you my phone numbler? B) Will you call me ( ) it will be cheaper. C) If there is a fire, ( ) you'll miss the train. D) Is it OK ( ) the alarm will ring. E) If we take the bus, ( ) if I use your phone? The correct sequence from the top to the bottom is: A) B - C - A - D - E B) C - E - A - B - D C) B - E - A - D - C D) D - B - C - A - E E) B - E - A - C - D
Foto de Maria M.
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Professora Ananda L.
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Hello Maria,

Match the columns to connect the phrases:

A) If you don't hurry, ( ) if I give you my phone number*?

B) Will you call me ( ) it will be cheaper.

C) If there is a fire, ( ) you'll miss the train.

D) Is it OK ( ) the alarm will ring.

E) If we take the bus, ( ) if I use your phone?


If you don't hurry, you'll miss the train.

Will you call me if I give you my phone number*? 

If there is a fire, the alarm will ring.

Is it OK, if I use your phone? 

If we take the bus, it will be cheaper. 

Eu fiquei confusa com a ordem que você colocou, confere para marcar a alternativa correta.
Espero tê-la ajudado.

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Professor Rodrigo L.
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Letra E.

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Roberto M.
Parnamirim / RN
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Inglês - Preparatório para o ENEM Inglês - Proficiência para Mestrado e Doutorado Inglês - Preparatório para as Escolas Militares
Especialização: "Teacher Training" e "English for Specific Purposes" (ESP). (EMBASSY CES em Fort Lauderdale - Florida/USA.)
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São João del Rei / MG
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Inglês - Preparação para o ENEM Inglês no Ensino Médio Exercícios de Inglês
Curso Livre: BridgeUniverse Summit - English Language Testing (Bridge Education Group)
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