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Complete the sentences using the correct form of have something done and the words in brackets: Example: I usually _________ (my bed/make) I usually have my bed made. a. Sarah isn't making her own wedding dress, she _______ (it/make) by an Italian designer. b. Jonh didn't fix his car himself, he ________ (it/fix) at the garage. c. If you can't see well, you should ________ (your eyes/test). d. You must _______ (your car/drive) in case you drink alcohol. e. I will _________ (my house/decorate) for my birthday party.
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Complete the sentences using the correct form of have something done and the words in brackets: Example: I usually have my bed made_ (my bed/make) I usually have my bed made. a. Sarah isn't making her own wedding dress, she has made it__ (it/make) by an Italian designer. b. Jonh didn't fix his car himself, he has fixed it_ (it/fix) at the garage. c. If you can't see well, you should have your eyes tested_ (your eyes/test). d. You must not have your car driven (your car/drive) in case you drink alcohol. e. I will have my house decorated_ (my house/decorate) for my birthday party.

Espero ter ajudado!

Teacher Rodrigo Lotto

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Professora Amanda F.
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Complete the sentences using the correct form of have something done and the words in brackets: Example: I usually _________ (my bed/make) I usually have my bed made.

a. Sarah isn't making her own wedding dress, she _______ (it/make) by an Italian designer. (is having it made )

b. Jonh didn't fix his car himself, he ________ (it/fix) at the garage. (had it fixed)

c. If you can't see well, you should ________ (your eyes/test). (have your eyes tested)

d. You must _______ (your car/drive) in case you drink alcohol. (have your car driven)

e. I will _________ (my house/decorate) for my birthday party. (have my house decorated)


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Professor Carlos D.
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Complete the sentences using the correct form of have something done and the words in brackets:

Example:  I usually _________ (my bed/make)

                I usually have my bed made. 


a. Sarah isn't making her own wedding dress, she _______ (it/make) by an Italian designer.

Sarah isn't making her own wedding dress, she has it made by an Italian designer

Sarah não esta fazendo o seu vestido, um designer italiano fez  pra ela


b. Jonh didn't fix his car himself, he ________ (it/fix) at the garage.

John didn't fix his car himself, he had it fixed at the garage

Joh não arrumou seu carro, ele teve ele arrumado (had it fixed) na garagem (por alguem)


c. If you can't see well, you should ________ (your eyes/test).

If you can't see well, you should have you eyes tested

Se voce não pode ver bem, voce deve ter seus olhos testados


d. You must _______ (your car/drive) in case you drink alcohol.

You must have you car driven in case you drink alcohol 

Voce deve ter seu carro dirigido (por alguém) caso voce bebeu álcool


e. I will _________ (my house/decorate) for my birthday party.

I will have my house decorated for my birthday party

Eu vou ter minha casa decorada para minha festa de aniversario

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