Past perfect

Choose the present perfect or the past perfect to complete each sentence. 1. hove/hod) never had Brazilian food. 2. She failed the test because she has/had) 3. We have had 4. have had not studied. not met the new English teacher yet. never had Brazilian food until my trip to Rio last month. 5. They couldn't drive home because they (hove/hod) locked their keys in the car. 6. By the end of the night, John (has/had). 7. Don't get the floor dirty - my mother (has/had) 8. You're working late again? You (have/had) 9. Who has/nadj talked with everyone at the party just cleaned the house. worked overtime every day this week! called me since litter everywhere. it all it half an hou a hard day a mistake our old one eaten the last piece of cake? 10. I had a great time with Henry last week, but he ashod! 11. The square looked awful. People have had 12. Do you want to see the movie? It has/had! 13. There's no more bread. We have/adi 14. There was no sign of a taxi although I hove/hod 15. I was really tired last night. I have/had). 16. This bill isn't right. They have/had) 17. We had no car at that time. We have/had) to leave Ito start). to eat). to order to hove! to make to sell 18. You can have that magazine. I have/had 19. It isn't raining now. It has/had! 20. Get warmer in here. I have had to finish with it. to stop to turn the heating on
Foto de Vasconcelos A.
Vasconcelos perguntou há 3 anos

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Use Have quando o fato tem alguma ligação com o presente. Use Had quando o fato estiver acontecendo antes de algo na frase.

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Professor Miguel R.
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Vasconcelos, continua embaralhada sua questão. Por favor poste ordenadamente. Veja:

had + past participle = past perfect; ação anterior a uma no passado

They couldn't drive home because they had locked their keys in the car.

have + past participle = present perfect; ações que tem relação com o presente.

You can have that magazine. I have read it. 

Hope I was of some help. Best, tutor Miguel Augusto Ribeiro.  

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