Por favor me ajudem as questão são bem poucas

Por favor me ajudem com as questões abaixo são poucas as perguntas esse é o texto para responder Fun Holiday - Tolkien Reading Day Toon Reading Day. Culebrate the unofficial holiday by reading your favorite Tolkion books, in 2003 by the Tolkien Society, the unofficial holidays pourages people to read all of English author, John Ronald Tolkien's (J.R.R. Tolkien) works. Lord of the Rings on to be one of the world's most read fantasy writers, J.R.R. is best known for his Lord of the Rings OTA) triliogy. Auto Tolkien's other popular novel, The Hobbit, the LOTR ya set in a fantasy land called the Middle earth. Middle-earth da continent on the fictional world called Arda The One Ring The epic fantasy trilogy written by JRR Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings, Includes The Fellowship of the Ring. The Two Towers, and The Return of the King. The triboy gets its name from the One Ring that the main villain in the books, Dark Lord Sauron, ed to rule over the other Rings of Power. These rings-3 for Elves, 7 for Dwarves and 9 for Ma-were created by Sauron or the elves under Sauron's guidance. Downfall of the Villain March 25 was chosen as the date for Tolkien Reading Day because it coincides with the date of the downfall of Sauron and Barad-dûr in the Lord of the Rings. Barad-dûr is the fictional tower from which Grotes Mordor. In the books, this happens on March 25, 3019 when the Ring falls into the Clicks of Doom. How to Celebrate? Red any of J.R.R. Tolkien's work. Affend public readings of his works organized by your local Tolkien fan organizations. Host a marathon viewing of the movies based on the books. Did You Know... that Tolkien was known to speak around 20 languages? E Available at https:June 13, 2018. Reading Read texts 1 and 2. Then, in your notebook, complete the following items by providing the required information. If the information is not given, write "not mentioned". Text 1 A) Author b Date of publication C)Name of the festival: d Date of the event: e Adjective associated with the event: f What is being celebrated: g How participants celebrate
Foto de Isac S.
Isac perguntou há 3 anos

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Professor Victor P.
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Respondeu há 3 anos

Boa tarde, Isac!

Espero que você esteja bem. Vamos lá:

A) Author: J. R. R. Tolkien 

B) Name of the festival: Tolkien Reading Day 

C) Date of the event: March 25 

D) Adjective associated with the event: unofficial 

E) What is being celebrated: J. R. R. Tolkien's work.

F) How participants celebrate: by reading J. R. R. Tolkien's work, attending public readings of his works and hosting marathon-viewing of the movies based on his books.

Espero ter ajudado! 

Até a próxima, 

Teacher Victor

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Professor Carlos D.
Respondeu há 2 anos

Por favor me ajudem com as questões abaixo são poucas as perguntas esse é o texto para responder:

Fun Holiday - Tolkien Reading Day Toon Reading Day.

Culebrate the unofficial holiday by reading your favorite Tolkion books, in 2003 by the Tolkien Society, the unofficial holidays pourages (aqui eu acho que seria: encourages) people to read all of English author, John Ronald Tolkien's (J.R.R. Tolkien) works. Lord of the Rings on to be one of the world's most read fantasy writers, J.R.R. is best known for his Lord of the Rings OTA) triliogy. Auto Tolkien's other popular novel, The Hobbit, the LOTR ya set in a fantasy land called the Middle earth. Middle-earth da continent on the fictional world called Arda The One Ring The epic fantasy trilogy written by JRR Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings, Includes The Fellowship of the Ring. The Two Towers, and The Return of the King. The triboy gets its name from the One Ring that the main villain in the books, Dark Lord Sauron, ed to rule over the other Rings of Power. These rings-3 for Elves, 7 for Dwarves and 9 for Ma-were created by Sauron or the elves under Sauron's guidance. Downfall of the Villain March 25 was chosen as the date for Tolkien Reading Day because it coincides with the date of the downfall of Sauron and Barad-dûr in the Lord of the Rings. Barad-dûr is the fictional tower from which Grotes Mordor. In the books, this happens on March 25, 3019 when the Ring falls into the Clicks of Doom. How to Celebrate? Red any of J.R.R. Tolkien's work. Affend public readings of his works organized by your local Tolkien fan organizations. Host a marathon viewing of the movies based on the books. Did You Know... that Tolkien was known to speak around 20 languages?

Available at https:June 13, 2018.


Reading Read texts 1 and 2.

Then, in your notebook, complete the following items by providing the required information. If the information is not given, write "not mentioned".

Text 1

A) Author b Date of publication: June,13,2018

C)Name of the festival: Tolkien Reading Day

d) Date of the event: March, 25

e) Adjective associated with the event: Downfall of Sauron and Barad-dûr (Barad-dûr is the fictional tower from which Grotes Mordor) in the Lord of the Rings

f) What is being celebrated: J.R.R. Tolkien's work and for people read any of Tolkien's work

g) How participants celebrate: Tolkien fan organizations, host a marathon viewing movies based on the books.

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