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a) the causes of brain damage.

b) the psychiatrist’s sufferings that work until late.

c) the results of a scientific research about temporary blindness.

d) the consequences of holding the phone between our heads and shoulders.

e) neurological problems caused by a stroke. Outro:

Professor Leonardo S.
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Oi Suzane,

Acredito que seja:

d) the consequences of holding the phone between our heads and shoulders.


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Professor Jeferson M.
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Hello, Suzane! How are you? De acordo com o texto, a resposta seria letra "d": the consequences of holding the phone between our heads and shoulders.

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Professora Emely R.
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Letra e pois está falando sobre os danos causados pelo infarto.

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Professora Emely R.
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Letra e pois está falando sobre os danos causados pelo infarto.

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Professora Paloma P.
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Professor Carlos D.
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a) the causes of brain damage.

b) the psychiatrist’s sufferings that work until late.

c) the results of a scientific research about temporary blindness.

d) the consequences of holding the phone between our heads and shoulders.

e) neurological problems caused by a stroke. Outro:

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Professora Cristina S.
Respondeu há 3 anos
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A resposta é a letra d. The core of text is the consequences of day by day actions that specifically in the text is holdingnthe phone between the head adn the shoulders

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Professor Alan M.
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Vejo que outros professores ja responderam, caso precise de algum professor pra treinar pronuncia ou conversação, entre no meu perfil.

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