Practise the conversations

ORAL PRACTICE Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word front the ones given in brackets and practise the conversations: 1: A : Do you...............................(enjoy/want) reading English novels? B: Yes, I.........................(like/want) to read English novels. But I prefer Tamil fiction. A: Who do you.........................(love/like) talking to? B: I like talking to children. A. A: Do you ever bake? B : Yes, my mother taught to bake. A: ......................................(Can/Would) you bake us a cake sometime? B: I would .................................. (want/love) to.B: I had a....................(great/best) time there. on the corner of opposite go along the road go out of turn go along. V: Is there a taxi rank near here? R: Yes, there’s one just (1)_____________________. V: Can you tell me how to get there? R: Yes, of course. (2)______________ of the building, (3)____________ right, and (4)____________ boulevard Saint-Michel. There’s a tax rank (5)__________________ boulevard Saint-Michel and boulevard du Montparnasse. V: On the corner of Saint-Michel and Montparnasse. R: Yes, that’s right. It’s (6)_______________ the entrance to the Port Royal RER station. V: Fine, thanks for your help. C. Telephone calls to speak to some information about tax guidelines What can I do for you This is Just a moment from. R: Park and Moss, good morning. Alec: Good morning. I’d like (1) ______________ Christine Saville, please. R: (2) _______________, please. Christine Saville: Hello, tax Department. Alec: Hello. (3)___________ Alec Macfarlane (4) ___________Wilcox International. Christine Saville: Oh, hello Alec. (5)_________________? Alec: I’d like (6)___________________________ in Germany. Locate three sentences that include the word never. Write the line number of those sentences. Then circle the subject, verb and the adverb never. Line Word order a. _____________________________________________ b. ______________________________________________ c. ______________________________________________ S +V +never OR S + never +V S +V +never OR S + never +V S +V +never OR S + never +V Place these adverbs of frequency (usually, sometimes, rarely, and seldom), in the following sentences according to the word order: each adverb must be used be used in one sentence. 1. I _____________ am ______________ shy around the people. 2. He ________________ is ______________absent from school._______________ 3. They __________________ fail a test _____________________ 4. We _____________________ arrive _________________ at the same time. Belton: My country is England. What’s your country? Enjurda: My country is Mozambique. I speak Portugueses. My language is Portuguese.
Foto de Vasconcelos A.
Vasconcelos perguntou há 2 anos

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Professor Paul J.
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Respondeu há 2 anos

Hi I'm Paul an American English teacher - There are a few mistakes so I am going to correct them and also give you some explanation. I hope you don't mind. I will also give you some more natural ways to say some of the sentences. OK

Question - Do you enjoy reading English novels?

Answer - I do. I like reading novels, but I prefer Tamil fiction. (We don't need to repeat English because it's already been stated).

Question - What type of people do you like talking to?

Answer I like talking to children. 

Question - Do you ever bake?

Answer - Yes, my mother taught me to bake.

Question -  Maybe you could bake us a cake sometime? (Using Can or Would seems a little demanding. Could is a little more polite)

Answer - I'd love to


Question - Is there a taxi service near here?

ANswer - Yes, there’s one just around the corner.

Question - Can you tell me how to get there?

Answer - Sure. At the end of the building, turn right, and it's right on Saint-Michel Blvd..

Question - There’s a taxi service on Saint-Michel Blvd and Du Montparnasse.

Answer - Yep, on the corner of Saint-Michel and Montparnasse.

Response - Oh yah. It’s at the entrance to the Port Royal RER station. Great, thanks for your help.


C. Someone calls to ask about tax guidelines

Alec: Good morning. I’d like speak to Christine Saville, please.

Secretary - One moment, please.

Christine Saville: Hello, tax Department.

Alec: Hello. this is Alec Macfarlane from Wilcox International.

Christine Saville: Oh, hello Alec. How?


This section was a little confusing - I wasn't sure what to do???



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Professor João E.
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Respondeu há 8 meses

English novels? B: Yes, I...want...(like/want) to read English novels. But I prefer Tamil fiction. A: Who do talking to? B: I like talking to children. A. A: Do you ever bake? B : Yes, my mother taught to bake. A: .....WOULD......(Can/Would) you bake us a cake sometime? B: I would (want/love) to.B: I had a...great...(great/best) time there. 

Boa tarde, só conseguir fazer até aqui, não entendi o que é pra fazer no resto

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