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Complete the sentences below with the prepositions: about after against at before besides by for of from in on to up with. (G) Come and sit ___ me (H) There has bren an increase ____ 20% in this month's sales (I) Heave your book are ___ you start the text (J) Why don't you come ___? It's too cold outside (K) Let's talk ____ that later (L) I walked ___ the beach, sat and red for hours. (M) ___ my daughter, I have no family (N) ___ the stairs and take the bale (O) ___ now on, you should arrive eaclier
9 respostas
Professor Pedro M.
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(G) By/With are both correct, By meaning "next to" as in sit next to me and with giving the same meaning, by might be more informal.
(H) Of
(I) Before(?) Heave means lift a heavy thing with great effot, and it makes no sense for me to say "Lift your book are ___ you start the text" with any of the prepositions available. A book should not be something that requires great effort to lift so no sense in using Heave unless you want to put an unusual word to confuse students, this sentence wording is strange to say the least.
(J) In
(K) About
(L) To
(M) Besides
(N) Up
(O) From

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Professora Carolina R.
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(G) With (H) Of (I) After (J) In (K) About (L) To (M) Besides (N) Up (O) From

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Professora Roseli V.
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Olá! Será um prazer em poder te ajudar. G) by H) of I) before J) in K) about L) on M) besides N) up O) from

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Professor Antonio R.
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Complete the sentences below with the prepositions: about - after - against - at - before - besides - by - for - of - from - in - on - to - up - with. (G) Come and sit WITH me (H) There has bEen an increase OF 20% in this month's sales X(I) Heave your book are ___ you start the text (J) Why don't you come IN? It's too cold outside (K) Let's talk ABOUT that later (L) I walked ON the beach, sat and red for hours. (M) BESIDES my daughter, I have no family (N) UP the stairs and take the bale (O) FROM now on, you should arrive eaclier

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Professor Ibrahim I.
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(G) Come and sit WITH me (H) There has bren an increase OF 20% in this month's sales (I) Heave your book are BEFORE you start the text (J) Why don't you come IN? It's too cold outside (K) Let's talk ABOUT that later (L) I walked BY the beach, sat and red for hours. (M) BESIDES my daughter, I have no family (N) UP the stairs and take the bale (O) FROM now on, you should arrive eaclier

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Professor Diones S.
Respondeu há 5 anos
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Olá Daniel, Fica assim: Professora Carolina R. Respondeu há 1 ano (G) With (H) Of (I) After (J) In (K) About (L) To (M) Besides (N) Up (O) From Mais dúvidas me procure no whatsapp 11 9 8014-8868 Teacher Diones

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Professor Rodrigo L.
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(G) With (H) Of (I) After (J) In (K) About (L) To (M) Besides (N) Up (O) From

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