Presente continous

Rearrange the words in each sentence to make a question in present continous tense. 1. Going Tomorrow are to you the night concert 2. Cup using which you are 3. He is his when meeting friend 4. For staying how you are longe 5. Am friday What on doing I mornig 6. The he guitar playing os 7. The working who in garden os 8. Taking are Tomorrow you us where 9. Going are my all we car in 10. Heavy carrying that he why bag os
Foto de Vasconcelos A.
Vasconcelos perguntou há 3 anos

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Professor Rodrigo L.
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1) Are you going to the concert tomorrow night?

2) Which cup are you using?

3) When is he meeting his friend?

4) How long are you staying for?

5) What am I dong on Friday morning?

6) Is he playing the guitar?

7) Who is working in the garden?

8) Where are you taking us tomorrow?

9) Are we all going in my car?

10) Why is he carrying that heavy bag?

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Professor Carlos D.
Respondeu há 2 anos

Rearrange the words in each sentence to make a question in present continous tense.

1. Going Tomorrow are to you the night concert

Are you going to the concert tomorrow night?


2. Cup using which you are

Which cup are you using?


3. He is his when meeting friend

When is he meeting his friend?


4. For staying how you are longe

How long are you for staying?


5. Am friday What on doing I mornig

What am i doing on friday morning?


6. The he guitar playing os

He's playing the guitar


7. The working who in garden os

Who is working in the garden?


8. Taking are Tomorrow you us where

Where are you taking us tomorrow?


9. Going are my all we car in

Are we all going in my car?


10. Heavy carrying that he why bag os

Why is he carrying that heavy bag?


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Professor de Inglês certificado pela Cambridge University com 20 anos de experiência e extensa vivência no Reino Unido, Canadá e Estados Unidos.
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