
Practice 1. Complete the sentences to the reported speech. 1. John said, "I love this town." John said 2. "Do you like soccer?" He asked me. He asked me 3. "I can't drive a lorry," he said. He said 4. "Be nice to your brother," he said. He told me 5. "Don't be lazy," he said. He told me 6. "Don't waste your money" she said. She told the boys 7. "What have you decided to do?" she asked him. She asked him 8. "I always wake up early," he said. He said 9. "You should revise your lessons," he said. He advised the tem 10. "Where have you been?" he asked me. He wanted to know
Foto de Vasconcelos A.
Vasconcelos perguntou há 3 anos

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Professor Miguel R.
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Vasconcelos, veja:

1. John said he loved this town. - simple present -> simple past

2. He asked me if I liked soccer. - questions (do/does) -> simple past

3. He said he couldn't drive a lorry. - can/can´t -> could(n´t)

4. He told me to be nice to my brother. - imperative -> infinitive

5. He told me not to be lazy. imperative negative -> infinitive negative

6. She told the boys (them) not to waste their money. - imperative negative -> infinitive negative

7. She asked him what he had decided to do. - present perfect -> past perfect

8. He said he always woke up early. - said + simple present -> simple past  

9. He advised them to revise their lessons. - When we want to report an order or request, we can use a verb like 'tell' with a to-clause: He told me to go away. The pattern is verb + indirect object + to-clause. The indirect object is the person spoken to. Other verbs used to report orders and requests in this way are: command, order, warn, ask, advise, invite, beg, teach, & forbid. (ef)

10. He wanted to know where I had been. - past perfect -> past perfect

Sistematizado aqui: . E aqui e aqui: .

Espero tê-lo ajudado. At.te, tutor Miguel Augusto Ribeiro. 

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-1 usuários votaram nessa resposta como não útil.
Professor Aldo P.
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Respondeu há 3 anos
Bom dia! Seguem as respostas: 1. John said he loved this town. 2. He asked me if I like soccer. 3. He said he couldn't drive a lorry. 4. He told me to be nice to my brother. 5. He told me not to be lazy. 6. She told the boys not to waste their money. 7. She asked him what he had decided to do. 8. He said he always wakes up early. 9. He advised them to revise their lessons. 10. He wanted to know where I had been. Espero que te ajude! Atte, Aldo.

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