Vasconcelos, look:
Na maioria dos verbos, regulares, só acrescente -ing ao verbo.
If the verb ends in an E we remove the E and add ING: to live -> living
If the verb ends in a consonant + vowel + consonant, we double the final consonant and add ING: to stop -> stopping
If a two-syllable verb ends in a consonant + vowel + consonant, we do not double the final consonant when the stress is on the first syllable: to enter -> entering
If the verb ends in IE we change it to YING: to lie -> lying
1. dancing
2. singing
3. playing
4. swimming
5. smoking
6. being -> exception
7. making
8. going
9. cooking
10. working
Hope I was of some help. Best, tutor Miguel Augusto Ribeiro.
Primeiramente vale lembrar o que é o gerúndio(gerund): você estar fazendo algo, como um hábito, você sempre estrará fazendo aquilo em determinado horário do seu dia.
Em inglês, utilizamos o verbo+ing no final deles, para dizer que aquela ação acontece.
1.She is good at (dance)
She is good at dancing.
2. He is crazy of (sing)
He is crazy of singing.
3. I don't like (play)....... Cards
I don't like playing cards.
4. They are afraid of (swim) ........ In the sea.
They are afraid of swimming in the sea.
5. You should give up (smoke) .......
You should give up smoking.
6. Sam dreams of (be) ....... a popstar
Sam dreams of being a popstar.
7. He is interested in (make) ........ Friends.
He is interested in making friends.
8. My uncle is afraid of (go) .......... By plane.
My uncle is afraid of going by plane.
9. We insist on (cook) ........... The dinner ourseives.
We insist on cooking the dinner ourselves.
10. He is a hard (work) ............ Student.
He is a hard working student.
Espero que tenha ajudado!!
1. Complete the sentences with the gerund form of the verbs in parentheses.
1. She is good at (dance)
She is good at dancing.
2. He is crazy of (sing)
He is crazy of singing.
3. I don't like (play) ....... Cards.
I don´t like playing cards.
4. They are afraid of (swim) ........ In the sea.
They are afraid of swimming in the sea.
5. You should give up (smoke) .......
You should give up smoking.
6. Sam dreams of (be) ....... Apopstar.
Sam dreams of being a pop star.
7. He is interested in (make) ........ Friends.
He is interested in making friends.
8. My uncle is afraid of (go) .......... By plane.
My uncle is afraid of going by plane.
9. We insist on (cook) ........... The dinner ourseives.
We insist on cooking the dinner ourselves.
10. He is a hard (work) ............ Student.
He is a hard working student.
Olá. Aproveitei para corrigir alguns erros que estavam na frase original!
Professora Diana
1. dancing
2. singing
3. playing
4. swimming
5. smoking
6. being
7. making
8. going
9. cooking
10. working
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