Tema de ingles

Inglês Conversação

Change the sentences to the Negative Form.

1. We have been to Italy.

2. They have already done my homework.

3. I have watched this tv show many times.

4. She has danced ballet.

5. He has spoken Spanish.


Change the sentences to the Interrogative Form.

1. She has travelled around the world.

2. He has lived in Canada.

3. She has never been abroad.

4. They haven’t done their tasks yet.

5. I have never been to Argentina.

Foto de Vitor V.
Vitor perguntou há 3 anos

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Professor Miguel R.
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Vitor, faço a primeira de cada exercício e você faz as outras.

Change the sentences to the Negative Form.

1. We have not / haven´t been to Italy. - acrescente not após o verbo auxiliar - have/has - neste tempo, present perfect.

Change the sentences to the Interrogative Form.

1. Has she travelled around the world? - coloque o verbo auxiliar - has/have - antes do sujeito neste present perfect

Espero tê-lo ajudado. At.te, tutor Miguel Augusto Ribeiro. 


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Professora Letícia N.
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1. We have not / haven´t been to Italy. - acrescente not após o verbo auxiliar - have/has - neste tempo, present perfect. Change the sentences to the Interrogative Form. 1. Has she travelled around the world? - coloque o verbo auxiliar - has/have - antes do sujeito neste present perfect
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Professora Daisy F.
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Olá! 1. Para fazer a negativa nesse tempo verbal (present perfect), voce deve juntar o verbo auxiliar have (ou has em caso de he/she/it) com a palavra not. Exemplo: 5- He hasn't spoken Spanish. 2. Para fazer a interrogativa, coloque have ou has para o início da pergunta ( ou logo após alguma question word- where, what, etc.) Exemplo: Has he lived in Canada?

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1. We haven't been to Italy / 2. They haven't done my homework yet / 3. I haven't watched this tv show too many times / She hasn't danced ballet / He hasn't spoken English. 

1. Has she travelled around the world? / 2. Has he lived in Canada? / 3. Has she ever been abroad? / 4. Haven't they done their tasks yet? / 5. Have I (you) ever been to Argentina?

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Professor Emerson S.
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Negative Form. 1. We haven't been to Italy/We have not been to Italy/ 2. They haven't already done my homework/They have not already done my homework. 3. I haven't watched this tv show many times/I have not watched this tv show many times 4. She hasn't danced ballet/She has not danced ballet. 5. He hasn't spoken Spanish/He has not spoken Spanish. ================================= Interrogative Form. 1. Has she travelled around the world? 2. Has he lived in Canada? 3. Has she never been abroad? 4. Haven’t they done their tasks yet? 5. Have I never been to Argentina?

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Miguel R.
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Inglês Avançado Acompanhamento Escolar de Inglês Correção Textual em Inglês
Graduação: Licenciatura em Letras - Português/Francês (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC))
Professor de redação, português, inglês, francês e ple com 30 anos de experiência. Abordagem comunicativa. Aulas personalizadas. "tutore".
R$ 70 / h
Roberto M.
Parnamirim / RN
Roberto M.
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Cursinho Pré-Vestibular em Inglês Inglês - Preparatório para as Escolas Militares Inglês - Técnicas de leitura
Especialização: "Teacher Training" e "English for Specific Purposes" (ESP). (EMBASSY CES em Fort Lauderdale - Florida/USA.)
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R$ 100 / h
Clau A.
São Paulo / SP
Clau A.
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Horas de aulas particulares ministradas 1.988 horas de aula
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Inglês - British English English Fluency CAE Preparation
Mestrado: Estudos Internacionais (ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa)
Professor de Inglês certificado pela Cambridge University com 20 anos de experiência e extensa vivência no Reino Unido, Canadá e Estados Unidos.
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