Tira dúvida inglês


1) Observe a ideia transmitida e assinale o modal auxiliary que completará cada frase. Caso tenha dúvida, retorne a Aula 2 que possui a lista dos verbos modais:

a) We __________ stop at the red traffic light. (obrigação 100%)
( ) should ( ) must ( ) could
b) Politicians ___________ be ashamed of their behavior. (obrigação 50%)
( ) should ( ) could ( ) can
c) If the car window is opened, a thief _________take your watch. (possibilidade)
( ) could ( ) must ( ) can
d) You ___________ talk on a mobile phone while driving. (proibição)

( ) can ( ) could ( ) must not

2) Use o quadro de linking words – Aula 3 – e una as sentenças estabelecendo
a relação proposta.
a) A group wearing mask broke some windows ____________________ another
group protested pacifically.
b) She saw her friend ______________________ she parked the car.
c) We watched the show ____________________we met some friends.
d) Tom’s mother bought some vegetables, ______________________: potatoes,
carrots, onions and lettuce.

Foto de Tayna M.
Tayna perguntou há 2 anos

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Professor Rodrigo L.
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Respondeu há 2 anos

Boa tarde, Taina!

Aí vai...

1) Observe a ideia transmitida e assinale o modal auxiliary que completará cada frase. Caso tenha dúvida, retorne a Aula 2 que possui a lista dos verbos modais:

a) We __________ stop at the red traffic light. (obrigação 100%)
( ) should (x) must ( ) could
b) Politicians ___________ be ashamed of their behavior. (obrigação 50%)
(x) should ( ) could ( ) can
c) If the car window is opened, a thief _________take your watch. (possibilidade)
( ) could ( ) must (x) can
d) You ___________ talk on a mobile phone while driving. (proibição)

( ) can ( ) could (x) must not

2) Use o quadro de linking words – Aula 3 – e una as sentenças estabelecendo 
a relação proposta.
a) A group wearing mask broke some windows ____while__________ another
group protested pacifically.
b) She saw her friend ___when______ she parked the car.
c) We watched the show _____and_________we met some friends.
d) Tom’s mother bought some vegetables, ____such as_______: potatoes,
carrots, onions and lettuce.

Espero ter ajudado!

Teacher Rodrigo

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Professor Miguel R.
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Respondeu há 2 anos

Tayna, vou fazer a 2:

Use o quadro de linking words – Aula 3 – e una as sentenças estabelecendo
a relação proposta.
a) A group wearing mask broke some windows but another
group protested pacifically. (contraste)
b) She saw her friend when she parked the car. (tempo)
c) We watched the show and we met some friends. (adição)
d) Tom’s mother bought some vegetables, such as: potatoes,
carrots, onions and lettuce. (exemplificação)

Espero tê-la ajudado. At.te, tutor Miguel Augusto Ribeiro.

Nenhum usuário votou nessa resposta como útil.
Professor Carlos D.
Respondeu há 2 anos

1) Observe a ideia transmitida e assinale o modal auxiliary que completará cada frase. 

a) We (must) stop at the red traffic light. (obrigação 100%)
( ) should (X) must ( ) could

b) Politicians (should) be ashamed of their behavior. (obrigação 50%)

(X) should ( ) could ( ) can

c) If the car window is opened, a thief (can) take your watch. (possibilidade)
( ) could ( ) must (X) can

d) You (must not) talk on a mobile phone while driving. (proibição)

( ) can ( ) could (X) must not


Obrigação 100% = Must

Obrigação 50% = Should

Possibilidade = Can

Proibição = Must Not


Modal Auxiliaries:





Should/Ought to

Used to


2) Una as sentenças estabelecendo a relação proposta.
a) A group wearing mask broke some windows (while) another
group protested pacifically.
b) She saw her friend (when) she parked the car.
c) We watched the show (and then) we met some friends.
d) Tom’s mother bought some vegetables, (such as): potatoes,
carrots, onions and lettuce.


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