Responder dúvida

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Tira dúvida inglês


1) Observe a ideia transmitida e assinale o modal auxiliary que completará cada frase. Caso tenha dúvida, retorne a Aula 2 que possui a lista dos verbos modais:

a) We __________ stop at the red traffic light. (obrigação 100%)
( ) should ( ) must ( ) could
b) Politicians ___________ be ashamed of their behavior. (obrigação 50%)
( ) should ( ) could ( ) can
c) If the car window is opened, a thief _________take your watch. (possibilidade)
( ) could ( ) must ( ) can
d) You ___________ talk on a mobile phone while driving. (proibição)

( ) can ( ) could ( ) must not

2) Use o quadro de linking words – Aula 3 – e una as sentenças estabelecendo
a relação proposta.
a) A group wearing mask broke some windows ____________________ another
group protested pacifically.
b) She saw her friend ______________________ she parked the car.
c) We watched the show ____________________we met some friends.
d) Tom’s mother bought some vegetables, ______________________: potatoes,
carrots, onions and lettuce.

Foto de Tayna M.
Tayna perguntou há 2 anos