Using wh-questions

3. Make questions using wh-questions ( why, where, when, What, which ) in your own utterances. 1. 2. 3. 4. Give opinions of the following arguments with the following expressions that you have leant ( I think ....., I don't think...., Personally, I think ...., I my opinion ...., According to .... ); A. The Wire is addled, What can we do now? B..................... Se should go back to our department and look for the Nice One. A. The energy flaked off. Do you know why? B.................... We have no credit. A. Our governor Said that we have to be well trained and qualified. What for or why? B.................... Our law if you are not trained and well qualified, you can't succeed and employed.
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Make questions using wh-questions ( why, where, when, What, which ) in your own utterances. 1. 2. 3. 4.
1: Why di you want to live in France this year?
2: Where are they going in the afternoon?
3: When do you want to go to The Movies?
4: Which do you prefer: a new car or an old bicycle?

Give opinions of the following arguments with the following expressions that you have leant ( I think ....., I don't think...., Personally, I think ...., I my opinion ...., According to .... );
A. The Wire is addled, What can we do now?
B I think we should go back to our department and look for the Nice One.
A. The energy flaked off. Do you know why?
B. I think we have no credit.
A. Our governor Said that we have to be well trained and qualified. What for or why?
B. According to Our law if you are not trained and well qualified, you can't succeed and employed.

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Professor Rodrigo L.
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Why are you laughing?

Where did you go last Saturday night?

What did you eat for lunch?

When is your birthday?

Which is your favorite from those t-shirts?


I think laughing is good for our health.

I don´t think eating all this bread for luch is healthy.

Personally, I think you should take the blue t-shirt.

In my opinion, you should have gone to the pajamas party last Saturday night.

According to my memory, your birthday is this month, isn't it?


A. The Wire is addled, What can we do now? B..In my opinion we should go back to our department and look for the Nice One. A. The energy flaked off. Do you know why? B..I think.. We have no credit. A. Our governor Said that we have to be well trained and qualified. What for or why? B..According to... Our law if you are not trained and well qualified, you can't succeed and employed.

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Professor Carlos D.
Respondeu há 2 anos

Make questions using wh-questions ( why, where, when, What, which ) in your own utterances.

1. Why are you so stressed?

2. Where do you live?

3. When did you bought you car?

4. What do you like to draw?

5. Which kind of book do you like most?


Give opinions of the following arguments with the following expressions that you have leant

(I think ....., I don't think...., Personally, I think ...., I my opinion ...., According to .... );


A. The Wire is addled, What can we do now?

B. In my opinion  we should go back to our department and look for the nice one.


A. The energy flaked off. Do you know why?

B. I think we have no credit.


A. Our governor Said that we have to be well trained and qualified. What for or why?

B. According to our law if you are not trained and well qualified, you can't succeed and employed.

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