What do you say to celebrate something by clapping your hand and somebody else's in the air?
Hello Maria!
According to what you've written we could say "High five!".
Hey there!
"to give someone a high five" would be appropriate!
Você também pode usar a expressão "To give a five" como no exemplo: "Give me a five, girl! We did a great job!" :)
What do you say to celebrate something by clapping your hand and somebody else's in the air? = (a tradução seria = O que voce diz para celebrar algo batendo palma com as mão e alguem esta no ar?)
Provavelmente alguem estaria em algum avião, e a pessoa que o avista estaria celebrando que a outra pessoa esta neste avião, o mais provavel seria que essa pessoa estaria mandando boa sorte para essa pessoa no avião.
Seria good luck
You say it's a 'high five'! 'High' because it's up in the air and 'five' because your hand has 5 fingers.
Hello Maria.
We call that a `high five`. When you want someone to do that we say `give me a high five`.
It is called a "High five", so you would say "Give me a High five".
to give someone a high five