What is the difference of "among" and "between"?

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João Vitor perguntou há 9 anos
8 respostas
Professora Erika P.
Respondeu há 9 anos
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Hi, João Vitor! You use "between" when you talk about things that are distinct, individual items, and "among" when they are not, or when you are talking about a group of people. For example: She chose between UFMG, USP and UNICAMP. She chose among the best universities. She is among the students featured in the newsletter.

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Professor Wilheim R.
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Hello there, João Vitor! We use between to refer to two things which are clearly separated. We use among to talk about things which are not clearly separated because they are part of a group or crowd or mass of objects: - Our holiday house is between the mountains and the sea. (the mountains are on one side and the sea is on the other) - The ancient fountain was hidden among the trees. (surrounded by trees)
Professor Roberto M.
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Respondeu há 6 anos
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Olá, tudo bem? Between é entre duas coisas ou pessoas. Among é entre várias coisas ou pessoas. Um abraço!
Professora Bruna M.
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Olá, a diferença é bem simples! Between é entre duas coisas ou pessoas. Among é entre mais de duas coisas ou pessoas!
Professor Christopher M.
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Respondeu há 5 anos
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Hello João,


This is a question that I have been asked several times. In Portuguese, between and among will both translate as entre. However, in use in the English language we have a distinction. Between is used for a fixed and specific position in the middle of two things: people, objects, places etc. For example, the hotel is between cinema and the bank. The Cinema is on one side and the bank is on the other, the hotel then is in the middle between these two buildings. A common way to express this as a native speaker is to use two prepositions: 'in between'. For example, the hotel is in between the cinema and the bank

Among is used for an unfixed and unspecific position with many things: multiple people, multiple objects, multiple places etc around or surrounding the subject. For example, he walked among the crowd. In this case a person is walking among many people who surround him in all directions.

Professor Diones S.
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Respondeu há 4 anos
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Olá João, Between entre duas coisas e Among entre 3 out mais.
Professor Rodrigo L.
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Between = entre duas pessoas ou objetos

Among = entre mais de duas pessoas ou objetos

Professor Alan M.
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