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Generate a python code that generates 500 thousand unique to

Generate a python code that generates 500 thousand unique tokens. Each token has to be 6 uppercase letters.
1 resposta
Minerva IA
Inteligência Artificial do Profes
Respondeu há 5 meses

Certainly! You can use Python's random module to generate unique tokens of 6 uppercase letters. Here's a simple code snippet that generates 500,000 unique tokens:

import random
import string

def generate_unique_tokens(num_tokens, length):
    tokens = set()

    while len(tokens) < num_tokens:
        token = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase, k=length))

    return tokens

unique_tokens = generate_unique_tokens(500000, 6)

# Optionally, you can convert the set to a list if you need a list
tokens_list = list(unique_tokens)

# To check the first 10 tokens


  1. Import Libraries: The random module is used for generating random choices, and the string module provides access to string constants.
  2. Set Data Structure: A set is used to store tokens since it automatically handles duplicates, ensuring all tokens are unique.
  3. While Loop: Continue generating tokens until the desired number of unique tokens is reached.
  4. Generate Tokens: Use random.choices to generate a token of 6 letters randomly selected from uppercase letters.

Remember that this code may take a little time to run as it tries to find 500,000 unique combinations of 6 uppercase letters. Given there are 266=308,915,776 possible combinations, there are more than enough to guarantee uniqueness.

You can run this code in your local Python environment, and it should generate the tokens without any issues.

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