Ordinal Numbers
Foto de Victor T.
Por: Victor T.
20 de Janeiro de 2021

Ordinal Numbers

Inglês Conversação Básico Gramática Intermediário Geral Avançado Ensino Médio Ensino Fundamental Tradução Adolescentes Vestibular TOEFL Negócios IELTS Concurso

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Hello Hello bilíngues! How are you??


Coloquei hoje a continuação do post de semana passada s sobre os números!!!



Ordinal numbers are used to show hierarchy or order of people or things.

The sequence from 1 until 10 are:

1st - first

2nd - second

3rd - third

4th - fourth

5th - fifth

6th - sixth

7th - seventh

8th - eighth

9th - ninth

10th – tenth

Numbers after 10, will stay in the same way as the cardinal ones, but with “th”

11th - eleventh

12th - twelfth

13th - thirteenth

14th - fourteenth

15th - fifteenth

16th - sixteenth

17th -seventeenth

18th - eighteenth

19th - nineteenth

20th – twentieth

But after 20 we use like:

21st - twenty-first

22nd - twenty-second

23rd - twenty-third

30th - thirtieth

40th - fortieth

50th - fiftieth

60th - sixtieth

70th - seventieth

80th - eightieth

90th – ninetieth

In the next numbers are equal too, but in the numbers that begin with one, don’t will appear the “one”.

100th - hundredth

101st - hundred and first

200th - two hundredth

300th - three hundredth

1,000th - thousandth

1,000,000th - ten millionth



80th- one hundred and eightieth

7.586th- seven Thousand, five hundred and eighty-sixth.

89th- eighty-ninety



Espero que gostem!


Link para o Post: https://www.instagram.com/p/CIOmBQ8F7gT/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

Victor T.
Victor T.
Nova Iguaçu / RJ
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R$ 40
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