Ordinal Numbers
Por: Victor T.
20 de Janeiro de 2021

Ordinal Numbers

Inglês Conversação Básico Gramática Intermediário Todos os níveis Avançado Ensino Médio Ensino Fundamental Tradução Adolescentes Geral Vestibular Profissional TOEFL Reading Interpretação De Texto Curso superior Grammar 3ª Idade Negócios IELTS Correção de textos em Inglês Comprehension Advanced Concurso Basic Vip

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Hello Hello bilíngues! How are you??


Coloquei hoje a continuação do post de semana passada s sobre os números!!!



Ordinal numbers are used to show hierarchy or order of people or things.

The sequence from 1 until 10 are:

1st - first

2nd - second

3rd - third

4th - fourth

5th - fifth

6th - sixth

7th - seventh

8th - eighth

9th - ninth

10th – tenth

Numbers after 10, will stay in the same way as the cardinal ones, but with “th”

11th - eleventh

12th - twelfth

13th - thirteenth

14th - fourteenth

15th - fifteenth

16th - sixteenth

17th -seventeenth

18th - eighteenth

19th - nineteenth

20th – twentieth

But after 20 we use like:

21st - twenty-first

22nd - twenty-second

23rd - twenty-third

30th - thirtieth

40th - fortieth

50th - fiftieth

60th - sixtieth

70th - seventieth

80th - eightieth

90th – ninetieth

In the next numbers are equal too, but in the numbers that begin with one, don’t will appear the “one”.

100th - hundredth

101st - hundred and first

200th - two hundredth

300th - three hundredth

1,000th - thousandth

1,000,000th - ten millionth



80th- one hundred and eightieth

7.586th- seven Thousand, five hundred and eighty-sixth.

89th- eighty-ninety



Espero que gostem!


Link para o Post: https://www.instagram.com/p/CIOmBQ8F7gT/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

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Victor T.
Nova Iguaçu / RJ
Victor T.
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