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Aulas particulares com Fuzi A.
Fuzi A.

Tefl/tesol certified english teacher. Experience in teaching english/arabic in schools, language schools and online since 2014 in multiple countries.

Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Apenas Aulas Online
Fuzi A.
R$ 40 / h 1ª aula grátis
Responde em 19 h e 16 min

Hello learners, it's Zii over here,

I've been into 8 countries and lived in 4 so far (currently living in Brazil), and I can proudly say that I speak three languages (Arabic, English & Portuguese) and able to understand another four.

I started teaching English & Arabic in the process, which made for me a stable career and many relationships as well. In my career, I have taught English/Arabic to students from 8 countries in total including Brazil.

As a student and a teacher, I am well aware of the emotions of the learner and how to deliver the information in an interesting way.

Olá alun…

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Aulas de Inglês
Conversação Tradução Geral Gramática Básico Avançado Professional Intermediary Middle school Elementary School
Aulas de Árabe
Conversation Classical Arabic Basic Reading Literacy Grammar Arabic Teacher Intermediary Advanced

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R$ 40 / aula
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1ª aula demonstrativa
Responde em 19 h e 16 min
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