Você é advogado ou possui alguma profissão em que precisa se comunicar por escrito em inglês?
Aproveite as dicas abaixo para tornar seu texto mais formal.
Olhe o que foi escrito e, quando achar conveniente, substitua!
1. Só use passado simples quando a frase tiver uma data.
- De outro modo, coloque "have" para aumentar suas chances de acertar a gramática.
- Ex.: I survived the war in 1945.
- I have survived the war.
2. I think => I believe; I strongly believe
3. I want it very much => I very much want to
4. Maybe I will (do something) => I may (do something)
5. I'm => I am
6. I am => I consider myself
7. A lot of => a wide range of; much; many
8. Like => such as; as well as
9. I like => I enjoy
10. But => however
- Não use "But" no começo de uma frase, use => However
11. I want (something) too => I would also like to (something)
12. Too => also; as well
13. I want to => I am interested in
14. Very much => very heavily (to accentuate something)
15. Sobre (tal coisa) = Concerning (tal coisa)
16. Na verdade; De fato = Actually
17. Since I was 18 years old => Since the age of eighteen
18. It's attached => please, find it attached (para arquivo anexo no email)
19. This was very good for me => this was very significant for me
20. Se saiu bem = did well
21. Continuou, seguiu = went on
22. A reclamação era sobre (...) = The complaining was on (...)
23. Use connectors: otherwise, although, even though, however, despite, in spite of, while, whereas, nevertheless, not only... But also..., either... Or..., neither... Or..., wether... Or..., not only... But also..., on the one hand... On the other hand..., in order that, both... And..
24. Words for degrees: fully, hardly, utterly, fairly, extremely, quite, considerably, completely