Slang Language
Por: Carolina R.
20 de Janeiro de 2016

Slang Language

Inglês Travel American Teens

Gangsta vs. Wanksta

African American takes on slang are far-ranging, and travel well beyond the circles of black teenagers.

  • Gansta - A “gangsta” is a type of black rap music that’s extremely popular with teens of all races, and the gangsta is someone is who is both tough and cool at the same time.
“Gangsta” is hardly a new word; in fact, it’s at least two decades old. But a new take on someone who aspires to the gangsta style, but fails miserably, is a “wanksta.”
  • Wanksta - The derivation of “wanksta” is somewhat sexual, as are many teenage aphorisms. To “wank” is someone who masturbates excessively; so being a “wanksta” is not exactly a compliment, even outside teenage circles.

Slang language is the voice of the people. It's changing daily so be sure to keep your ears open and stay aware of the meanings...and keep checking since they may change tomorrow.

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Carolina R.
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Carolina R.
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Inglês Avançado Gramática em Inglês Inglês para Viagens
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