Idioms com animais - Idioms with animals
Foto de Carolina S.
Por: Carolina S.
14 de Outubro de 2016

Idioms com animais - Idioms with animals



 very awkward - muito estranho

The little girl was as awkward as a cow on roller skates when she first began riding her bicycle.


- as blind as a bat

 blind - cego

The man is as blind as a bat and cannot see more than a small distance ahead. 


- as drunk as a skunk

very drunk - muito bêbado. 

The man was as drunk as a skunk when he walked into the restaurant. 


- as fat as a pig

very fat - muito gordo

The woman in the supermarket was as fat as a pig.


- as gentle as a lamb

very gentle - muito gentil

The girl is as gentle as a lamb when she is with her little sister. 


- as hungry as a bear

very hungry - muito faminto

I was as hungry as a bear when I arrived home from work. 


- as nervous as a cat

very nervous - muito nervoso

The man was as nervous as a cat when he talked to the woman. 


- as poor as a church mouse

very poor -  muito pobre

My cousin is as poor as a church mouse and never has any money to spend.


Carolina S.
Carolina S.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
nota média
R$ 80
por hora
Especialização: Pós Graduação em Inglês (Pontíficia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ))
Inglês para TOEFL, Conversação em Inglês, Inglês para IELTS
Vendo aulas de Inglês, Português para estrangeiros, Letras

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