Earth Hour
Por: Guillermo T.
02 de Abril de 2016

Earth Hour

Inglês Conversação

Every year in March, the world goes dark for Earth Hour. At tourist destinations, businesses, and private homes, lights were dimmed or switched off for one hour at precisely 8:30 pm. The purpose is to emphasize the need for radical change to the world's current energy policies, and thereby encourage people everywhere to make much-needed changes to curb greenhouse gas emissions.

It's estimated that more than one billion people in over ninety countries take part in the event. Executive director Andy Ridley said that such a conscious change, even if for one hour, raises awareness and generate discussions on what can and should be done to reduce energy consumption. Even in the dismal economic climate, when most people are focused on job security, meeting financial obligations, and cutting expenses, the conversation on greenhouse gases and global warming must continue. Such widespread participation, say the organizers of the event, clearly indicate that people desire strong action on climate change.

Others aren't so optimistic, and actually stop just short of outright condemnation. The problem isn't in the event itself, which successfully receives media coverage and generates a moderate amount of awareness. Here the organizers and press touting the event as successful are correct. However, critics said that Earth Hour most likely gives participants the false illusion that they have made a change. Yet one hour doesn't equal the drastic adjustments required of everyone every day. People must opt for public transportation, green technology in homes and workplaces, and clean energy sources. In the long run, Earth Hour could actually cause more harm than good.

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