em 08 de Março de 2016
Nowadays society is been bombarding by a countless number of so called man’s sports. UFC is the new big hit pastime in which two though guys strangle to yield each other’s will or strength first. All right, I can recognize that fighting skills and strategies do take a little bit of thinking over. But please notice well what I said, a little bit. But let’s agree that thinking on how to break someone’s jaw does not take a genius.
It might get a bit annoying but we have to do it again. So let’s do it. What is a man? Hopefully by now the answer is immediate. And the answer should be man is a rational animal. If man is rational animal what makes man different from animals is that he is able of thinking. So let’s take then UFC and debating contests. Which one is more proper to man? Does smacking someone’s head on the ground seem more human than debate, in which the athlete must use to the best his or her reasoning? Therefore debating is really man’s sport.
But what is the ultimate goal of debating? That’s easy enough. The goal of debating is only one, winning. It is beating your opponent’s intelligence (or lack of it) to the ground. Showing him or her that you are able to overcome whatever mind strategy your opponent has came up with. After all it is a game. No one goes into any kind of game willing to lose.
When most people think of sports, images of basketball, baseball, football and other athletic activities come to mind. However, the term "sport" simply denotes an individual or group competitive activity involving physical exertion or skill, governed by rules, and sometimes engaged in professionally (Encarta Dictionary). Certain types of debate require both skill and hard work to achieve success.
Tips for Debating
Below there are eight steps to become a phenomenal debater:
1. When debating you have to realize that you are whether a winner or a looser. There is no middle ground. There are no second winners. So, for your own good you better win it.
2. Familiarize yourself with the activity. Know the terminology so that when you're in a round with opponents who are more experienced than you and your partner, you won't feel as intimidated.
3. Know very well what you are saying. If you don’t know the topic, study it beforehand. If you have no time to prepare it, well, it is time to improvisation.
4. Set up traps for your opponent. For instance, if you're running a spending disadvantage, ask questions such as this: "What is the current state of the economy?" "Can we really afford to spend more money?" "Are there any other political issues that would have to be set aside to afford your plan?" "How does passing the plan outweigh passing other legislation?" These types of statements help you fill your cross-examination time and make inroads in your opponents' case.
4. Always remember who you're trying to convince. The judge(s) is the most important person in any round, so treat them accordingly. Look at the judge during cross examination, look at the judge when offering analytical arguments (these require special convincing), and look at the judge every time you get a chance. Make eye contact, it helps.
5. If you sound like you are winning, especially to lay judges, you are. It's ok to be rude! Half the fun of debate is the fact that impoliteness is acceptable. Some judges even allow using profanity in rounds (though I don't suggest it). As you move up in the debate world, you'll notice that your opponents will become better and better. Always keep in mind, tone matters, presentation matters.
6. Practice, practice, practice. Speak clearly. Though different judges have different tastes when it comes to how they want the debaters to sound, clear, fast speaking is always good.
7. Be confident. Even when you are against extremely intimidating opponents be confident. You may have a judge who is unfamiliar with debate. These judges can be helpful for a couple of reasons. One: they don't have preconceived notions about who should win based on experience and rank and two: they require more explanation of evidence, which is good practice for rounds with experienced judges.
8. Lastly, have fun! Remember debate is an extracurricular activity. It's supposed to be fun, so enjoy it. Even if it takes you and your partner years to get on track, the journey is worth it.