There is/are x Have/Has
Por: Arantxa M.
19 de Maio de 2015

There is/are x Have/Has

Inglês Portuguese

Although in Portuguese these two forms mean the same thing, "ter", there is a slight difference between them.


When you are talking about something that simply exists, without attributing property, you should use there is/are.

Ex: There are some people in the room. (these people don't belong to the room, they're just in there)

There is a boy playing in the park. (the boy is not a property, he is just using the space)


When you are talking about things that have a relation with each other, you should use have/has.

The park has a guard. (although the guard is not a property, he has a relation with the park)

The house has four bedrooms. (Not only am I describing the house, I am telling you about its features)


Was it clear? :))

R$ 55 / h
Arantxa M.
Porto Alegre / RS
Arantxa M.
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