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Jorge L.

Jorge L.

Salvador - BA

Jorge está cadastrado como aluno no Profes.

Criar minha conta

I am a 42 years old man, who started to think big many years ago. In one of my most important past Jobs, my employer once asked to a group of rookies (wich I was included): “what is the main dream of each of you guys?” – so I respond, with no doubt: “I want to be an Employer, just like you sir.”. I guess that he did not expect a reply like this, because his expression were a little strange.
Since then, after ran my path on that company, I decided to take the risks of being an entrepreneur. In that time, I didn’t understand the questions at the rock bottom of this business matter. The challen…

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Administração de Empresas - faculdade Ruy Barbosa

Avaliações feitas (1)

Priscilla M. foi avaliado por Jorge L. há 4 anos

Super atenciosa e simpática, mostrou domínio dos assuntos vistos. Great job! ;)

Jorge está cadastrado como aluno no Profes.

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