em 04 de Setembro de 2023
Hoje vamos aprender como usar have to (tem que), supposed to (teria que),e ought to (tem que fazer)
Have to é o mesmo que must (tem que). Isso implica que você não tem uma escolha!
John has to go to work everyday.
John tem que trabalhar todos os dias
The students have to study tonight.
Os alunos tem que estudar hoje à noite.
To be supposed to significa uma obrigação. É algo que você deveria fazer (should do), ou algo que outra pessoa espera que você faça. Não esqueça de usar o verbo to be na frente de supposed to.
Sally is supposed to meet her friend tonight.
Sally deve encontrar sua amiga hoje à noite.
All of the employees are supposed to attend today’s meeting.
Todos os empregados devem ir à reunião de hoje.
Ought to é usado para dar sugestões. Você deveria fazer algo mas você não tem que fazer isso.
We ought to clean the house tonight.
Nós temos que limpar a casa hoje a noite.
Phillip ought to help you with your homework.
Phillip tem que ajudar a você com o seu dever de casa.
1. Willy needs money to pay for his food and house. If he doesn’t go to work, he won’t have money. He must work.
Willy ___ go to work.
a. ought to
b. has to
c. is supposed to
2. Johnny should help his mother with the housework. His mother would be happy if he did. But if he didn’t help her, his mother wouldn’t feel bad.
Johnny ___ help his mother.
a. ought to
b. has to
c. is supposed to
3. Joan want to be a nurse. To become a nurse it is necessary to go to nursing school.
Joan ___ go to nursing school if she wants to be a nurse.
a. has to
b. is supposed to
c. ought to
4. Tom’s friend is waiting for him at the gym. They made plans to meet at 6:00. His friend will be upset if Tom doesn’t go.
Tom ___ meet his friend.
a. ought to
b. has to
c. is supposed to
5. Lisa tells Nathan that he would be a good manager. She suggests that he apply for a job as a manager. Nathan is going to think about that.
Lisa thinks Nathan ___ be a manager
a. ought to
b. is supposed to
c. has to
1-B, 2-A, 3-A, 4-C, 5-A