Vocabulary or Grammar
Por: Patricia M.
25 de Março de 2022

Vocabulary or Grammar

Beginners and the Communicative Approach

Inglês Lexical Approach Vocabulary Vocabulário Beginners

A common theme of discussion among English teachers is the best way to start second language acquisition for beginers. We have several options for methodologies. Let`s consider the Communicative Approach, it utilizes a lexical base to be able to communicate. For example, a student may not know the appopriate structure to make a polite request to borrow a pen. For example, 'can I borrow your pen, please?' However by knowing the substantive and through the use of gestures and other simple vocabulary is able to communicate the desire or need to use a pen. For example, he or she may say 'I use pen, please?' while pointing at themselves. This is the basis of the communicative approach, to be able to communicate and be understood. The grammar and structure are introduced after. 

By contrast, a grammar and structural approach to language acquisition focuses on the correct form and structure of speech. This method uses repetition to achieve a higher level of accuracy. Vocabulary is assimilated slower but the structure and sentence form are correct. So in the opposite situation, a student may not know a specific word but knows how to form a question and can also point to an object that he or she needs in order to communicate. For example, 'can I use ___(that object)___ please?'.

In my experience, a vocabulary and lexical based approach allows for faster development when structure and grammar are introduced afterwards. Student are able to make more connections with a more ample vocabulary and create more phrases and express more ideas. 

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