Artigo Científico sobre Nutrição em Bodybuilders
Por: Rafael L.
20 de Fevereiro de 2019

Artigo Científico sobre Nutrição em Bodybuilders

Nutritional and Pharmacological Strategies of Bodybuilders in Preparation Period for Competition

Nutrição Bioquímica

Low-carb and high protein diets are common practices among bodybuilders although results in the literature are still sparse and controversial, in addition to the consumption of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids. Objective: To analyze food and pharmacological consumption by bodybuilding athletes, in the period of preparation for competition. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional inferential study performed with athletes using the snowball method. The data were collected using a questionnaire of life habits and a 72 hours food survey. Results: Fifteen athletes were evaluated: 60% (n = 9) males and 40% (n = 6) females, with a mean age of 27 years. Regarding nutrients, carbohydrates had a mean intake of 1.68g / kg body weight, mean protein content was 3.68g / kg body weight, and lipids were 20.4% of the Total Energy Value. Results: Protein and lipid intakes were not statistically significant, but when the carbohydrate consumption was compared, there was a statistical difference between the sample values ​​and the recommended ranges. The use of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids was cited by 65% ​​of the sample studied, with the use of more than one type of drug. Conclusion: The data found in this study suggest the necessity of a nutritional monitoring, specialized in this category, to guide and adapt the individualized nutritional needs of each athlete.

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