
1. Say which of these utterances below are statements and put ( x ) for the correct ones. A. Why the teacher is so happy today? ....... B. I think the outlet shocks. ........ C. The outlet shocks. ...... D. The light is broken. ....... 2. Make questions of the following utterances. A. The light is pendulating. B. The light pendulates. C. God is our father. D. The Wire is addled.
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Professora Arantxa M.
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B. I think the outlet shocks. ...X..... C. The outlet shocks. ....X.. D. The light is broken. .....X..


 A. The light is pendulating. - Is the light/it pendulating?

B. The light pendulates. - Does the light/it pendulate?

C. God is our father. - Is God our father? Who is our father?

D. The Wire is addled. - Is the wire addled?

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Professora Gabriele D.
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1. Say which of these utterances below are statements and put ( x ) for the correct ones.

   A. Why the teacher is so happy today? ....... (é uma pergunta)

X  B. I think the outlet shocks. ........ (é uma opinião/afirmação)

X C. The outlet shocks. ...... (é uma afirmação)

X D. The light is broken. ....... (é uma afirmação)


2. Make questions of the following utterances.

A. The light is pendulating. Is the light pendulating?

B. The light pendulates. Does the light pendulate?

C. God is our father. Is God our father?

D. The Wire is addled. Is The Wire addled?

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Professor Rodrigo L.
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  A. Why the teacher is so happy today?   (pergunta)

X  B. I think the outlet shocks. (opinião/afirmação)

X C. The outlet shocks. (afirmação)

D. The light is broken.  (afirmação)


2. Make questions of the following utterances.

A. The light is pendulating. Is the light pendulating?

B. The light pendulates. Does the light pendulate?

C. God is our father. Is God our father?

D. The Wire is addled. Is The Wire addled?

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Arantxa M.
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CAE IELTS Inglês para Iniciantes
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Inglês - Preparatório para as Escolas Militares Inglês - Preparatório para o ENEM Inglês - Inglês Instrumental para provas
Especialização: "Teacher Training" e "English for Specific Purposes" (ESP). (EMBASSY CES em Fort Lauderdale - Florida/USA.)
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Inglês - Travel English Advanced English CAE Preparation
Mestrado: Estudos Internacionais (ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa)
Professor de Inglês certificado pela Cambridge University com 20 anos de experiência e extensa vivência no Reino Unido, Canadá e Estados Unidos.
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