% e agendamento

OLA! I have asked this question before but no answer! I believe your cut of 20% is too high > it pushes prices up leading to fewer bookings. You are not a physical agent > so I believe a fee of 10-15% is fair. Volume of classes given will go up so you will make more. Also > every time I have a request I have to show my availability > I believe it is easier to show the teacher's availability so prospects can immediately see if there is a chance of booking the teacher > would save me and the student a LOT of time. I would like an answer!!!!! thanks robbie
Foto de Robbie D.
Robbie perguntou há 9 anos

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Professor Guilherme A.
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Respondeu há 9 anos

I completely agree with both of you. Profes is very useful, but it's not following the trends in today's online businesseses. You guys (Profes) are trying to force people to pay the website through things like not allowing for personal contact exchange, but that only makes it harder for us to have an easier conversation student-teacher, and it doesn't keep people from bailing out from paying the website. For me, it would be easier to pay a small fee per month, I would do that with no problem. You could have two different fees, one for heavy users and other for occasional teachers (with a limited amount of contacts with students, or something like that). Everyone that tries to keep people from doing things on the Internet is not having success, see the music industry.

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Professor Roberto M.
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Respondeu há 6 anos
Olá, amigo! Tudo bem? Bem, é melhor você fazer essa pergunta à administração do site para que sua resposta seja bem precisa, certo? Um abraço!
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Professor Wanollo V.
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Respondeu há 5 anos

Good thing they changed this

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I hope I could help you!

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Professor Diones S.
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I agree with you Robbie. I have students who prefer to pay me straight due to the high taxes.

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Professores particulares de Inglês

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R$ 75 / h
Guilherme A.
São Paulo / SP
Guilherme A.
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Verbos em Inglês Exercícios de Inglês English Expressions
Mestrado: Ciencia Política (Universidade de São Paulo (USP))
Aprenda comigo Inglês
R$ 70 / h
Roberto M.
Parnamirim / RN
Roberto M.
4,9 (126 avaliações)
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Inglês com Gramática Inglesa Inglês para Concursos Públicos Inglês - Preparatório para o ENEM
Especialização: "Teacher Training" e "English for Specific Purposes" (ESP). (EMBASSY CES em Fort Lauderdale - Florida/USA.)
Bem-vindo à plataforma! Você deseja aprender Inglês? Então, espero seu contato para organizar seu plano de aulas personalizado!
R$ 100 / h
Clau A.
São Paulo / SP
Clau A.
5,0 (89 avaliações)
Horas de aulas particulares ministradas 2.001 horas de aula
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Inglês - Inglês para adultos Inglês - British English Advanced English
Mestrado: Estudos Internacionais (ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa)
Professor de Inglês certificado pela Cambridge University com 20 anos de experiência e extensa vivência no Reino Unido, Canadá e Estados Unidos.
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